
Lee Jindalle

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describe meh baby

Veronica Ong
Petite, cute, voice like a 10 year old, sometimes sok aegyo manja, talks about bf 2/3 of the time, "dalle hari ini busway ga?", makeup guru, stylish, sweet, nice, likes to impersonate people, GD fangirl(I forgot the fandom name)
Last but not least,
B A D A I. #badaisistasftw
Liked by: Veronica Ong

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What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

Wow. Many. I can't pick one so here's three. When mom actually cooks, she seldom cooks but when she does wow the food :9
having a good laugh with sis.
Hanging out or catching up with friends.

What song makes you want to dance?

HAHAHAHA ok hmmm
Safety Dance by Glee cast.
Machine by EXO.
Hurricane Venus by BoA.
Girl's Day - Expectation.
Glad You Came by The Wanted.
That's all I have in mind.

Which gossip is there about you?

I heard someone thinks I'm dating my crush OTL I want to live in that person's mind please.
What else do I know uhhh idk... I don't think they talk much about me anyways LOL

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

Like, in control of my happiness?O.O
Other than my biases, there are actually a lot... Some...
My bff Kristi(duh), my sister (she do it unintentionally but it seems cute to me so I smile/laugh), messaging with one of my school buddies, wgpstreet guys lol goofers and when mentioning with my epic, kawaii senpai Sasha. Cute boys make me smile (don't judge I'm a girl so it's supposed to be normal). Memories of school always make me smile, but it's not really a person that causes it, more like overall with my classmates.
...well if you want to talk about "the one", yeah he makes me smile alright, but mostly sad and pain in the chest lol because of longing him and never chat nowadays so.
Idk man really I just smile very often I can't even tell which ones are real...
I suppose this 'smile' is like when you get a little butterflies or like really genuine happiness. Sorry I'm bad at this I can't just choose one... So it has got to be all whom I mentioned above. /peace

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Liked by: patriciapatochan

Are you wearing socks right now? Post a picture.

No I'm not.
But here's a picture. It really has helped me get through the rough days.
Are you wearing socks right now Post a picture

What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

Strawberry Shortcakes HAHAHAHAHA
Wait that's not show... Uh.. Teletubbies?

What famous person would you like to meet?

Beethoven, or Edison.
Uhm for this generation famous person probably... The one who played Garrett in that last Twilight Saga. (Hawt)
Or Do Kyungsoo, or Kim Jongdae or Park Chanyeol.
Or all at once.

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Audition SM. ....couldn't fail............... ;u; such a nice combination of words :')
Oh wait no. I'll just enroll into a famous doctor university. Since i wont fail~ HAHAHAHAHA amen.....

What exactly defines skinny as pretty and fat as ugly? Why must it be like that, and not the opposite?

This is a very dangerous and risky question... One thing for sure. The media. Yadayadayada~
The rest..I don't know. I don't think fat girls are ugly. They're people who just gets fat easily and can't do anything about it. I think.
I think skinny is 'pretty' because they have a more feminine look to them. They look small and with their silhouette. Oh and also 'skinny' girls have that small waist that guys are attracted to, other than boobs.
And also 'skinny' can also look like they're healthy and shows that those girls take care of their body or are outgoing. Because people will usually say fat people are lazy. Which is...not true.
This is like, a thought, outnumbered and...no one really knows why. There's no theory or explanation to this. I do believe skinny girls are attractive (not stick-thin ones oh god) but fat girls are mostly (almost all) friendly and outgoing. So there are pros and cons. Nobody is perfect. "Perfect". PSSHHHH. Human standards varies, but judging physically is just weird. "Beautiful" people just happen to be born with good looking skin and well-proportioned body and face. They're just cells, tissues, FLESH.
I really don't know how to answer this, and how to end this. I don't know who changed the standards. In the 70's the fatter were the better. Now, I don't know. LOL there's my no-solution long answer. SORRY I REALLY DONT KNOW HEEE

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Do you play any online games?

Ah... erm what haha no...? He hahe eh
Ha *sweats nervously*
Used to play Audition, Ragnarok (wow they took YEARS to make the second one), Sanrio...Facebook games...... Almost all of it except the poker and farm stuff.
I've downloaded that P4D game but haven't played it cause a friend of mine having some troubles with his computer so...don't really know the game well, he told me to dl.
Idk I'm not much of a loyal online gamer. I play games yes but not regularly or on daily basis. Only when I'm really bored.

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

Either their kitchen or bathroom HAHAHAHAHA
Living rooms too. One of those, whatever I see first.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

"Live and let live"
It's more of a motto, but a teacher said this during a meeting because our class had some trouble back then. This just hit me.
If I not mistaken, it means that you should live and don't care what other people think, and let them live their lives too, however they want. Such peaceful words.

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

For a day... Hmmmmmmmmmmm does my 8-year old self counts?

Would you ever make a parachute jump?

No ;-;
But maybe yes if I have the person who's expert at it with me along the way down. Literally the whole time, until I land.

If you were born again, would you like to remain the same gender, or would you like to be the opposite gender?

I'm too dominating as a girl sighs it's sad and I'm so not feminine or girly or at least...has a girl aura. OTL
but being a guy, for me, is better. You get to take the lead. But it's really nothing about sex discrimination, because I really think guys SHOULD take lead. (Ultimate reason I don't like 'powerful' guys sobs;) WHOAH THANK GOD IM NOT LES....I think........... No offense ;A; I respect people who are gay but I'm more comfortable looking at straight people ..;-;
Hey hey you know what's so great being a guy? You get to ASK a girl out :D HOW SICK IS THAT
I mean girls can but hmm meh girls got egos and stick to traditions meheheheheh peace~
But I also like being a girl, you can dress however you want to dress withOUT being judged :D except when you go naked or really minim in Asia.
Answer: opposite gender. SORRY LONG USELESS ANSWER HAHAAHAHHA you know me senpai ;;;;)

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Let's say you have a great career and then got married, your husband asks you to quit your job. Would you do it?

I won't? Hmm no wrong answers, I guess depends on what kind of person my husband is BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (Preferably, loyal)
If I don't quit... What's he gonna do about it? LOLOL can't mess with this tough chick B/ JK. I guess that would hurt his pride, I bet it will. Because like 'great career' wow. Oh that's a big threat to men. HUGE. They wanna win and be the better tsk such selfish beings. (Jk again you handsome creatures)
I mean I think it's better if I don't quit. I can explain. First, he won't be put into a bigger pressured position. What if we have kids later then? It's not like life is perfect, he CAN get fired anyday. Both have our own income and we'll not be too dependent on the other.
I guess I'll just...take some time off when our first child is born. And we'll just see what happens from there. BECAUSE OH LORD SENPAI I AM SIXTEEN.
But as much as I don't want to quit, I also would love to follow his orders. I mean he's the head of the family. So if I see him as independent enough or strong enough and also has a great career(hopefully better), then I'll quit. Or just do a less stressful job. Like maybe...........teacher? Or journalist......is that stressful....local journalist lah...

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