
Lee Jindalle

Ask @leejindalle

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What's the most awkward thing you can say in an elevator?

"Would you rather I pee in this corner or that corner?"

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

The Harry Potter scar is the most non-stupid possible answer I can find for this question, so yeah probably that.
Check this out tho. Oh god this guy. Adorbs.
If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead what would it be

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

Get to sleepover at uncle's place with cousin HAHAHA a little getaway never hurt anyone.

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What is your favorite year of your life?

I don't remember much about years but... Idk so far this year hasn't been THAT bad... Just more things revealed.........
Either last year or this year.
Liked by: fadilla

VR "how much wood would the woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood"

Teach me how and maybe we can just do it together.
Liked by: fadilla

What apps do you mostly use on your phone?

Line, Path, Instagram, Soundcloud, Google, Tumblr, Pinterest, Weheartit, Skype, KKT... Oh and ofc askfm.
Liked by: fadilla

and last but not least.. your favorite jonas brothers is

Might as well add a picture since its the last one.
and last but not least your favorite jonas brothers is

if you can kill anyone right now.. who would you kill

Liked by: fadilla

what do you expect from your close guy friend

Please find a girlfriend ASAP you look miserable. And no, single life is NOT the way of life/ to live. So shut up.
Liked by: fadilla

what do you expect from college

TOUGH. It gets tougher every term. Boring yes, but that's a trap. When it gets boring, I don't listen. The more I don't listen, the more I don't understand. The more I don't understand, the more I won't be able to do quizzes, tests and exams. BAM.
But I'm not expecting to fail it(hope not), it just needs effort.
I expect experiences AHAHHAHAH especially with the internship. Idk I'm slightly scared but also excited at the same time about it. So we'll see.

why does she sell sea shell on the sea shore near the see saw

Isn't it supposed to be
Shelly sells sea shells on the sea shore? Apparently you added near the seesaw lol
But ok the question, she's probably attracting kids who are on the playground to buy. And why not beach right it's holiday so it's ought to be crowded. #AnakMarketing

what do you expect from life

Such a deep and heavy question, mate. Gimme a break I just woke up.
Uh. No one wants a bitter life, yes? But it has to be to be better... IDK it's just how life works apparently. We is diamond yes. And to be that beautiful diamond, life 'cut' us. I talk crap now.
I expect life to be bumpy and sometimes I do get scared to move on and like "if I can't even do this, how am I going to blabla". But at the same time, I believe things will work out eventually. God won't give us challenges that's WAY beyond us, we just think that some challenges are like that. He obviously knows our inner capabilities(?) So yeah, work hard play hard. I expect a lot of experiences :3 and hopefully can meet many quite-important and inspiring people. JJANG!

what do you expect from bae

you mean, IF I HAD ONE HAHAHAHAHA you joker. *sighs really loud*
Idk what you mean by 'expect'... Doesn't it depends on what kind of guy he is from the start? Then I can start expecting things like; him to stay like that, or work things out to be better.

dear ex

How's you? I have really little memory of you... But I heard we dated and sort of the talk of the town(?) I hope you're having a good life right now and I guess with a nice girl, pretty hot, but for-what-reason-idk wants to be with you :D God bless let's not meet again.

bad boys or good boys

Good boys. But can be very bad ;;) HAHAHAHAHA god. But yes, overall good boys aka gentlemen ;)

lol kok operation sih bukannya surgery ya xD this wed/ thurs ni :(( im scare bebb hug me

Veronica Ong
*BIG, FAT VIRTUAL HUG only for vero* you can do it babyyyy<3 it's for your own good alright!
Iya gw ngmgnya operation...ingetnya itu..... Ga beda jauh lah ya. Wes.

iya beb :") eh iya btw last thursday i ga jd operasi, cuman d cut gumnya krna masih sakit gt jd blom blh cabut hiks

Veronica Ong
OHHHHH omg di cut gumnya ttep sakit lah ya...
Trs kapan the real operation?0.0

when is your birthday?

I posted that couple of weeks ago you can just scroll down my page if you're that curious, thank you. It's not that far.

If you could own any building in the world, which one would it be?

My own house... DOES THAT COUNT???? I mean i would love to own like Burj Al Arab in Dubai or the Marina Bay Sands but I think it would be...complicated. To take control of the whole building and stuff.
HAHAHAHA IDK I'm so ambitionless :')
Liked by: Shiva Maharani

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG I know my otp but omg anonymous please XDDD

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Ok. Hmmmmmm one question tho, do the people around me know I was a girl? It'd be weird, no? So.....weird... But okay, let's just assume they don't know and only knows I'm a boy and has always been a boy, on that day only.
Man, I'll hang with my friends until very very late at night/morning and have some good laughs and just have fun, you know. I'd probably be a rebellious son for a day. Oh! Then see what the guys talk about without girls around, see their other side OuO *stare* That'd be so cool.
Bonus, I'd dress myself super handsome-ly, like how I've always liked my men(?) HAHAHAHAHA freak.

How would you describe your perfect sandwich?

Idk what really defines a 'sandwich', but lets see.
No veggie (ha ha), sunny-side up egg, savory flavor, either really soft bread or crunchy, HAAAMMMM, cheese, big, never-ending.
Liked by: fadilla

Who knows you the best?

HOHOOHOO. Wait I think I've answered this before...
Kristi, Runny and P'Sasha! All in different ways. Like, Kristi knows my (weird) habits and most updated news(?) Runny knows...idk she just knows (she can be creepy imo..). And P'Sasha knows me in a way like...as if we've been friends for a long time. OH SHE KNOWS HOW TO FLATTER ME THE MOST gdi. Yipeee so blessed to have them as my close friends :3 Couldn't ask for better ones xD
Liked by: Shiva Maharani

What is one thing you will never do again?

I cannot guarantee anything... But I think I would never bully my friends again thinking how I used to bully one of them once just for fun, it wasn't anything harmful for the kid or anything, I just sort of made fun of her/him.
I still remember how embarrassed I was until now. Not cool.
Liked by: Shiva Maharani

If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

Anyone (that I know) who's willing to give a big, warm one back.
Liked by: fadilla


Language: English