
Lee Jindalle

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enggakk bebbb kmrn2 ga di bw ke rs soalnya bolak balik malay kemarenn

Veronica Ong
Oh...I thought... Okay. I'm sure she'll get better care and treatment there :)

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ah gw bayar dongggg huh cihhhh ampe 21 july beb gw baru balik ke jkt tgl 14 hueh

Veronica Ong
Elo dimaneh right nao? Hmmmmmm senin depan2 aja gimana;;) liat nnti deh ya jadwal aja belom pasti ...
Liked by: Veronica Ong

What's the perfect place for a first date?

Depends on the type of people. Either cafe or AMUSEMENT PARKS WALAAOOO
I can do with both *coughs*
Cafe is when you really want to sit down and get to know the person well, quite intimate. See how far the person can go communication-wise and how much they know (the more you know the more surprised you'll be). This is usually for the brainy or feeler type.
Amusement parks for people who likes adrenaline and just having fun basically (and,of course, not afraid of heights). You can also show affection here by idk hugging, holding hands, eat together there, take care of each other there. Plus, they say adrenaline can boost the affection you feel idk how to explain science stuff.
I've heard that asking a girl out to a movie on a first date is a wrong move??? Idk._. I'm just saying what I've heard. I don't think it's true... You can, like, take her out to lunch or cafe afterwards or before right?._. Of course you can.
These are all, of course, my own opinions. Some may think differently. It really depends xD

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Liked by: Veronica Ong

Post a selfie!

Selfie with Aunt Intan lah ya paling kece. Ini waktu ditraktir makan2 berempat xD
She's so nice and like dependable and strong idk I just like hanging out with her I'm learning a lot. She's preggers too! HOHO A new baby boy coming soon on September ;)
Have a great day!
Post a selfie
Liked by: fadilla

what do you look forward to in the near future ?

Reuniting with friends whom I haven't met in a while :')

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

A PowerPoint slide from Sir Noah. #collegekids

Who will be the next person you will kiss?

Wow. This is such-
I'll keep it realistic.
Probably him. Yeah I'd steal a (lot of) peck on the cheek from this bad boy. You know, if he's lucky enough. One day.
Or my sister. Or mom.......... *mojok*
Who will be the next person you will kiss

Dear jonas brother...

Thank you for being a part of my childhood, you guys have been such an inspiration. And absolutely gorgeous. *coughs*
Honestly my heart sank when I know you guys are no longer a band but, everything has its end, right?
Again, my childhood wouldn't be as girly if you guys weren't in it.
your ex-fan. *teardrop*
Dear jonas brother


Veronica Ong
Kamu kok makin cantik aja sih? Give me a chance(?)
I'm so proud seeing how great you are progressing in makeup, especially to know how passionate you are about it. Keep it up ya!
And also, keep strong ya babe. After all that you've gone through, as well as the ones you're going through, I see you're still that little high-spirited girl I've always known, and I like what I see ;) Gitu dong!(?) You are an inspiration to many, my little Michelle Phan :)
Kita udah jarang banget bisa ketemuan and that is very sad :( I miss us men. Apasih dulu namanya. Gaulz girls apagitu(?) ya begitu lah. You get the point. I hope kita bisa sering ketemuan lagi, make time for your friends in Raffles dong diantara kesibukanmu :(
Jk deh. I want you to be busy.(But still sehat._.) Means that you're doing very well. (Busy maksudnya with makeup gitu ya..) I just don't want you to change and forget me and everyone who loves you. Okeeeh? Saranghae~
*tanda tangan* <3

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Liked by: Veronica Ong

What is your relationship status?

Unofficially married. To two hot ladies. With one daughter. I don't even know anymore.
Jk btw(duh). Single and have a serious mingling issue. #sos#akurapopo
Liked by: Veronica Ong

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

A peaceful and stable life, a career in something I'm passionate about and for the people I care about to have a long and healthy life. I don't think I can stand death...

What do you think is the most enjoyable thing?

Ridesssssss and hanging with friends but when you're really having fun-
Wait never mind.
Do you know that moment when you and your friends just laugh at everything for no reason at all? THAT. Gdi that feels so good.

If you could bookmark just 5 websites, which 5 you would choose?

Youuuttuuubbbeee, wehartit, tumblr, Facebook annnndd... 9gag :3

What good idea you have had lately?

To get awaaaayyyyyy for a couple of days. Somewhere not familiar and new. Only with a close friend.
...or eating chicken noodle, yeah.... Chicken noodle seems like a good idea right now...

What is your favorite sport to watch?

Dream Team? If that's somewhere near sport then there it is. Not much of a spectator here.

How can you forgot ? ¬-̮¬

....hahahaha (‾▿‾") yeah I'm a bit forgetful. Esp when it's not a big deal.

How long ago ? ¬-̮¬

I forgot actually... Probably last year? Or can be sometime around this early year.

No (‾▿‾") bukan itu maksud gw lol, maksudnya itu gw yng nnya lucky boy lol... Haha I'm a gemini venus in cancer after all (?)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you sick man. Cieeeeeeeeeee zodiac looooohhhhh welcome to the club mate :') we are glad to welcome you :')

Nah yng lucky boy baru itu gw haha, peace lee

It sounds like you're saying you're the lucky boy ew you wish man(?) HAHAHAHA JK gross but yeah I got it. I know all these anons are you YOU MANIPULATOR D':

Who's the lucky boy ?

Now this. Ada deh:$ HAHAHA loooong time ago. He prob doesn't even remember. ...nothing serious I swear T^T

Do you ever tell "I love you" to a boy ? Other than your family

OMG LOL what who are you omg I swear to god-
Yes. But like in a chilled way... I mean it, but not love in a deep romantically way LOL

Ecie, dale.... Answer itu buat si ehem ehem ya ¬-̮¬


What do you do to let others know you love them?

I sometimes(but rarely) say it upfront, like when me and a person say bye or when they do something that just makes me say it. I do it most with my bffs tho since I'm most comf with them, esp Pisha LOL (because she's the one I chat with more often)
But because I'm not the best at doing so I just like...show extra care????? And show extra attention. IDK like treat them specially(?) but ofc I give them the space they need. I'm not that clingy...I hope :')
Well I guess I do what's best for them, each person is diff ofc so yeah
Runny should know this. I scold her often, in a caring way ofc LOL sorry still but I......tend to do..that.....
Oh I know how to sum this up. I don't ignore the people I love. /DUNDUNDUN/
I am my mother's daughter. She does the same. It's better to get scolded by her than to be ignored. :')

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Are you hungry?

Very... Feel like running away and just buy some street food or fried rice. Anything really...

Are you a city or a nature person?

50/50 really. I don't think I can survive in the wild but then I like nature and to be outdoors (besides the fact that there are insects everywhere).
Liked by: Shiva Maharani

So in what way ?

Just a really close friend. Well I guess that doesn't count, hm? If you're asking for a close guy-friend in a romantic way, nada.

What makes you really sleepy?

Sleeping late (miss obvious).
Speech about stuff I'm not interested in. Anything I'm not interested in I guess.
Really, really mellow music.

What is one thing you refuse to share?

People. ...this is very childish but.......yeah.... I don't really like sharing my friends IDK AHAHAHAHA
Not only friends, other people in my life.
No wait I think there's something else...
Food. I don't really share food. If there's someone who wants my food I either show them where to buy or just give them the money. Please.

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

4. There are a couple more but I think it's more suitable to call them close friends.

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

Transformers. X-Men or How To Train Your Dragon MY DRAGON's NAME WILL BE RUSSIA it sounds unisex to me


Language: English