
Lee Jindalle

Ask @leejindalle

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How would you describe your style?

Clothing style?
Hmmm...versatile? Or moody. Because I tend to get feminine and neat one day and tomboy and casual the other. But still color coordinated. Mostly monochrome. Black white. Anything comfortable. And mostly loose. Should get more tight clothes.. Heels aren't my forte yet, so still with the sneakers and flats.
Liked by: Veronica Ong

what is one thing that you regret?

I regret not listening to my mom, seriously man. I lost half a tooth and got two messy ones(?)
And dry skin.
And... Yeah no actually imma stop there. MOMMY. Trying hard to do whatever she tells me to do(that still makes sense).............

cc mau di tidurin ya

(‾▿‾") (‾▿‾") (‾▿‾") please I am sorry for the post I posted in path what's the fuss about OTL
It's. Just. A. Joke. D:

When was the last time you went to the beach?

I think it was........ When I went to Baywalk with my friends. But that's not a real beach I heard.......
If its not, then it must be last year when I was sti back at my hometown :')

Hahahaha i kno riteee! Nonton ya kalo uda keluar #ciekayakjadiaja #amindehamin lol

Of courseeee! B) Masuk must-watch-movies-of-all-time list(?) #AMIN

Judulnya mungkin Idiotic Bitch :') HAHAHHA

Omg it actually suits you (no offense) but...ya gitulah(?) xD
Keren kok. Badassssss B) #jenityftw#benergak

HAHAHAHAH soon deh moga aja i punya pacar tukang bikin movies jadi entar bisa dijawab :P hahahah thankyou anw <333

Think of a movie title ci! DUNDUNDUN. Anytime~

describe me with a movie title doooong! :D

Aduh susah ci you kan one of a kind blm ada yg describe you best
But if I have to... Alice in Wonderland kali ya........ Because you always have your own beautiful fantasy world(?)
Divergent juga bisa. Soalnya agak daredevil jg cici yg satu ini. Menurut observasi(?)

When you feel sad, what cheers you up?

Doing this. Just distracting. Chat with people. Reading quotes I've pinned on Pinterest. Watch videos on YouTube. 9gag. Or just go out, get some fresh air, usually with lil bro.

Would you leave your home country for the one you love?

Even now I'm not living in my own hometown so... I guess yes? But that reasoning tho. "For your loved one." It's not because of that. Partly. I'm sure me and me loved one will agree evenly where to settle and all that, family's opinions included. Whatever we agreed on, after a thorough and clear discussion, we do it.
It's not like we would run away or anything... Idk the question sounds so wrong HOW DO I EXPLAIN

What kind of advertisements attracts your attention?

Anything clever, witty and colorful LOL
Fun types(?) idk.

What makes a person rich?

Generally, the amount of money they have. The more the richer. That's what I grew up knowing.

When you’ll be 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

Omg I don't even wan-
My (hopefully big)family's happiness&health. And harmony <3
By that age it's only a matter of time before I expire, I hope I won't be a burden.

When was the last time you tried something new?

Today! Ate ramen at Sumoboo with classmates. First ramen ever, first time at Sumoboo, so that's a bonus. <3
Special thanks to them for recommending HUAHUAH:3
Here's a little something I took today at Central Park. Beautiful night~ <3 070814(?)
When was the last time you tried something new

Which are your favorite works of art?

If I say love how many of you will pretend you're not going to throw up?
Bahahahah. Ok. I think art is like, literally everywhere. Designs, houses, dances, singing, etc. I like a little bit of everything really. Photographies, those are really pretty. The calm looking ones, usually from Japan. Or just simple ones, I tend to like photographies of the sky, birds, leaves. Candid pictures of people or cultures as well. Then dances, ah yes, solo, tango, ballet to modern, they're all beautiful. Not to forget singing~ OOOH and drawings! Illustrations, manga, monochromes, grunge. soft arts, you name it. IDK BAHAHAHAH like really, a little bit of everything.
Here a little something I took earlier today in the car. It's nothing but I find it really pretty, especially the color of the light blue sky with the fluffy white clouds~

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Which are your favorite works of art

What's the most valuable thing you've held in your hands?

Probably babies. <3
Or caseless iPhones.........


Language: English