
Lee Jindalle

Ask @leejindalle

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What’s something you should throw away, but can’t?

Wow... A lot actually... Like papers from school, letters I made with friends, gift bags, and other junk... But I can't. Yeah. I know.

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

Watch vines or vlogs on yt. Or 9gag. 9gag often do the trick.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

...seriously? Uhm ahah ha h ah what hah *coughs* ok not gonna lie but 12.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how well do you sing

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What are YOUR key goals in life?

I regret this. Um ok. 1: definitely marry that kyuhyun guy. It's more like a plan.
Then to help people in almost every way I can? If I'm capable of it, you know. But must be for reasonable stuff.
To um have a wide-range of knowledge. Yay~
To understand the misunderstood (UWOOOOHHHH *hi5s with self*), but yeah you know some people or things are just 'weird' or 'unusual' and others might avoid them because its...'weird'.
WAIT OK GOALS getting back to that
Make my dad proud........... Idk how but hopefully there's a way because i fail at everything he wants me to be unf I'm such a loser. No I'm not crying dont worry.
Keep my family at least healthy.
Get a well-paid job that interests me. IDK WHAT THAT IS AHAHAHA SO FML
Can have long-lasting friendships with my dearest chingus yeye it's true.
Last, to be married with the suitable guy for me, before I die. *dundun*
What eh I guess that's all. Last but not least is definitely just live life with as little regrets as possible~ MINE IS SO LONG AND MANY LIKE 8 AND SO UNREALISTIC GOODBYE FUTURE ME YOU'RE DEAD but yeah um ok amen(?) sorry long post >>>>>>

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Liked by: Kristi

What's a subject you wish you knew more about?

Science.............. You have no idea how much I regret it............

If you could own an exotic pet, what would you choose?

Humans MWAHAHAHAHAHAH vehry exotec yues mmh jkjkjkjkjk actually exotic animals need special care lah so tiring no time for dat. But if I have to choose one... LLAMAS ABAHAHHAHA BECAUSE THEY'RE DANG SEXY no gross they lick everything um nah I'll pass. I can't take care of them and there aren't many vets around here, too risky. Poor animals they could have lived longer than staying with me LOL

What makes you wake up each morning?

Ha hah ha what's this 'morning' you're speaking of? :''D
I usually wake up pretty late no I mean really late like 11AM+ so yeah
But it's usually because I just woke up?0.0
Wait is this supposed to be a deep question ahahahahahha hmmmmmm tv shows, food, the thought of lounging on the couch... I am so lazy...

Who's your favorite actor?

Is this a random question? I don't remember....... But okay hmm see I just tweeted my top 10 few days ago ITS HARD OK
I'm definitely biased yep so here goes:
Tom Hiddleston because he has the most lovable personality and his Loki role looks so innocent ack like a baby. Robert Downey Jr forever sarang. Jim Carrey, he just rocks ;; Will Smith. Then Ryan Reynolds because he's such a sweetheart. Hmm Ryan Gosling because WHY NOT???? OH M G HEATH LEDGER YES.
Oh let's go to the Korean industry. ...idk many but Lee Byung Hun is hot. Kim Soo Hyun is cute. LEE JONGSUK HOLIEST CRAP. Oh I just found out about Lee Hwi Kyung and I think he is very handsome yes.

What is the most pointless invention?

Haven't really come across a 'pointless' invention. But hmm the Japanese invents some weird stuff

Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

Not really. I like the idea of going out and just looking around but the shopping... Yeah it does makes me happy when I buy something I like but no I don't think it's a form of entertainment :/

menurut lu, hidup itu harus ada apa?

Oxygen, water and food *coughs
LOL ok hmm common sense -_- and money. Jujur aja sih.
I don't know how to explain its just so simple hahahah
Okay what comes before money hmmmm some kind of skill? Yeah whatever can earn you money to live lah. After that you can do other stuff and spend it on your hobbies etc etc
Or here: bersama orang2 yang dicintai <3

What is trust without love, what is love without trust?

I've wrote about veerrrryyy long 2 paragraphs to this question before my Firefox starts to lag meh I've never been so betrayed OTL
Anyways ok this is my chance to make a shorter one. -
Trust without love is very normal. Well if you want to talk about like...business relations? When you trust someone, its like you lend them your phone for one day knowing (or thinking) they won't break it or send weird messages to other people, sort of? I don't know how to go further in this it's...unexpected. But for me, trust without love has got to be business relations LOL Oh but I do believe trust can be a start of love. You know.
Now love with-OUT trust??? ......................what. Well I guess its also possible in a way a mother love her young children but still has not fully trust them yet and have to keep an eye on them, but....she also.... There's always trust in love... You will always trust the people you love. It's like a big part of the term love, sort of. Love is (for me) when you give a person a piece of your heart, believing they won't break it. Trust is definitely a HUGE issue for me in any relationship.
Yeah so I don't really know how love without trust can exist... Oh it does, but its not love anymore, its 'infatuation'. Blinded by reality and only see how perfect something is. Love is when you accept someone's flaws but still want to be with them.
K IM FINALLY DONE AHAHAHHAHAHA I hope I fulfilled your expectations or curiosity, senpai xD
-sorry again for the spam-

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Liked by: patriciapatochan

Do you think looks matter?

I just realized how short your answers are and I regret all of mine. ugh. i'll try to make this a short one :/
Looks, visual, sight, its all a human nature thing. You see something and you would feel something. Either you like it or not, things like that. So I guess yeah. But what your tastes can differ from the rest, so there are no solid answer to that. It can be a little heartbreaking...... *weeps*

What do you believe is the worst feeling ever? (have you experienced it, or are you afraid of experiencing it?)

Being alone, in everything. Just the thought of individuality scares the balls out of me. I prefer working in teams and the sense of togetherness :'D
And of course, yes. In homeworks, exams, in the house, sleeping alone TnT
Its just the saddest truth of them all. Once I watched a vlog on YT and there's this vlogger saying that 'Come on, let's face it. You have always been, are, and will always be alone, Among the thousands millions billions of people in the world, you are your own self. You have your own way of thinking, doing things, perspective. Nobody can be the same as you are, they can only 'match'.' SHE GAVE ME THE MOST LEGIT SLAP-ON-THE-FACE WAKE UP CALL TO REALITY and from then on-wards I kind of don't know what to believe in anymore ._.
In the movie Divergent, the people are individually put down to somekind of a test. Yeah, that gave me some chills LOL chikinnn ;;
My worse is the nights before exams. You know how you always end up studying, alone, until early in the morning for your exams? I do it more like 40% studying, 20% distracted and 30% crying. I would always break down... Here, you have always thought your friends are there for you and fun and lalala and then, you realize they can't help you here. JSAABUSBIAO yeah its so naive and dumb but hm.
I guess I'll always be this coward. I'm not dependent though...I just find myself better when there's more sense of togetherness. Like a leader, or a strong-opinionated, loyal follower LOL what
(I'm biased between this and being under the sea so might as well write it down, and yes I have experienced it)

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Would you rather be understood by everyone, or be able to understand everyone?

Be able to understand everyone. Pretty cool OuO Its like a mini-psychic going on HAHAH
And just to be able to blend with all different kinds of people there are in this world. Okay maybe not blend, but yeah understand and can help them if they emotionally need anything. But it does sound very complicated and stupid and like... Why?
I feel very uncomfortable seeing teenagers killing themselves (mostly because of love lol) because nobody understood them or didn't even bother to try to understand them and whatever they were going through, Uncomfortable, not in a disgusted term, but...like... I could have helped? Almost like a regret, but not for so long because it was a very stupid and weak act. They could have done better.
Okay truth be told, people who want to be able to understand everyone sounds like very annoying and nosy and like, they want to know other people's businesses. Well, yes. I'm not proud, but I accept it. Yeah I'll just say it now myself before anyone judge. I love being involved in almost everything, it gives me some kind of responsibility feeling. (And prevents me from lazying around LOL) And with the bonus ability to help, it drives me insane, I want it even more. But I also understand how hard and tiring it can be, so yeah I don't want it that much. I just want to understand the people I care about and help them, but if I'm mentally able to cope up with 'everyone', then why not.
....im so indecisive here LOL okay basically that, be able to understand everyone \o/

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What would the world be like without money?

A LOOOOOOOT OF SACRIFICES to trade yes? Like in the BC. Money is a really complicated subject for me and I'd always try to avoid this subject but hmmm now that its here...
I don't think it can make the world a better place. For example hmmm lets talk about the government corruption. So, they use the people's money for their own good, right? If we live without money, we'd probably be giving our food to the government and again, they can use it for their own good.
A scary place this whole thing can be in my opinion............
But I do believe people are starting to really take advantage of money and overpricing something and even with all the hidden bribes. See this is exactly why I avoid this subject. Its just very...not happy and complicated. I really hope someone figures something out to fix it, or at least don't make it worse TnT

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Nah, I like the way you answered, I just got confused when you were like... Mentioning air, physics too, so instead of just answering, you were explaining... Why it's weird to say half empty, in a... Scientific way somehow......

LOOLLL you know how in science they teach kids how to measure the volume or air etc etc ...but yeah.....it was kind of...so out of the topic............. What I was trying to say was that...yeah nevermind.

Let's say you have the chance to make your dreams come true, but you had to sacrifice something you love - what would you sacrifice? Or won't you do it?

*thinks* *thinks really hard* *consider all possibilities* *waits 3 decades for solution* *writes a 10-series novel*
yeah no thanks. SomeTHING that I love are everything that reminds me of school and my friends, like letters, gifts, etc you get the point. And no, those crap are priceless and I am not trading them with anything. Even chocolates or cakes or a cat. :<
But if you're saying something more like a person, OF COURSE NOT OMG well...i guess depends.................. loljk. See this is like both a curse and a gift in life, having so much to lose. The people I love are of course my parents, close friends, my biases TnT Yeah so, thank you for the offer but no thank you.
It does sound very inviting like wow its like a shortcut to your dream but just have to pay with an irreplaceable thing in your life. But it sounds a lot like cheating to me. You don't get the subject but gets a high grade in it, so how are you going to learn? Especially all the experiences that you can get while you're on your way there, they might be useful.
What doesn't kill Jin makes her stronger. ................................except the sea.

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... Wait, you don't know the meaning of the half full-half empty question, or you do, but is just pointing out how the things scientifically? ...

I know HAHAHA Oh I didn't know you want me to answer it that way...
Okay I don't know how to answer it THAT way... They say people who see it as 'half full' are optimists? I'm not sure whether I'm an optimist... I guess depends? Can also be: I know how its going to end but I'd prefer to verbally say it in a more positive way, but still tell them? I guess I'm a realist... What do realists say...
.................yeah you might wanna ask me in a clearer way...I'm bad at metaphors or whatever this is called...

What is the meaning of life?

YOU ARE DARN DEEP HAHAHAHAHA WHAT let me get all sentimental first *coughs* The meaning of life..is..to find...someone you love and who understands you fully <3 :'D
meeep. Nope. yeah I may crave love and cuddles and hugs and ...dates...and... BUT NO ITS NOT my first priority. Human nature la we all want to be with that someone (Right, right? *hi5 with future hubby if he even exists* wherever you are you twat)
The meaning (for me) of life is to not waste it. Nope, not in a #YOLO#SWAGGG way, but in a way that you'd be proud telling your grandkids how your life was, to be wise and just have a huge, wide range of knowledge and so that moments before you die you will not regret anything and not worry. Please go all out in life, you might not get that second chance you thought you deserve. To be honest, my meaning of life is to be useful to the people around me. ...Not in a servant way =v=" But to be able to understand and help them in every way. Hmm, "Treat everyone like how you want to be treated" to be exact. Yeah... I'm actually a much more of a karma believer than I thought I was. And theeennn uhm experience a hella lot and absorb all kinds of knowledge from different kinds of people, if lucky, from different parts of the world. To make mistakes probably goes into the 'experience' part.
Yeah if I go any further I'd probably write what just came into my mind and seem like a made-up meaning bleh so this should be all BAHAH oh me what grandkids psh

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Liked by: patriciapatochan

Common question but: You see a glass on the table with water that's only half the glass. You don't know whether it only got filled up half or someone drank half of it, but to you: Is it half full or half empty?

Half full \o/ I always see the...'insides'? first. Half empty sounds so wrong imo lol like why would u count air thats like u only do it in physics

Why do you think many girls prefer bad boys over gentlemen?

THIS TOO! First of all, I was once one of those girls before I am 60% sane like at the moment \o/ 2. I have always thought that girls prefer bad boys because HEY WHO DOESN'T LIKE RIDDLES AND MYSTERIES RIGHT AND WHATS BETTER IS THAT ITS IN HUMAN FORM and hey sexiness percentage high. Representing all the girls who prefer bad boys, we love challenges, the mystery, the alter ego. Why are they acting like that? What made them so bad? And of course, these girls are dead curious about their soft side. (Hence the vampire movies and tv shows domination)
These girls see bad boys as tsunderes LMAO Tsundere is a japanese word for people who act like they don't like someone but they do, so they act all tough and angry with that person but they deeply care and love lalalallaa yes that basically. ...Noah Puckerman *coughs
Now gentlemen. Gentlemen aren't always 'soft'... They're mature and know their priorities. They love their family, respect older people and care for their friends, in a manly way... They speak proper language and have manners and polite and possibly religious, almost opposite of how a bad boy is. Gentlemen are often portrayed as a romantic, don't ask. Again, not always soft. So romantic in a...mature way?? THIS SOUNDS SO WRONG AHAHAHAHHA ok here's my simple image of how a gentlemen is: husband material. You do all the qualities, hey they all differs anyway.
In my opinion, only young girls like bad boys. Average age of 16? They like mystery, thrills, drama, 'fun' and still finding out about themselves etc etc. And with all the hormones and puberty going on, come on lets face it, bad boys are damn seeexxxeeeeeyyy. But (no offense unf) older, or should I say, mature girls aka women/ladies prefer gentlemen. The ones who are ready to settle down and find the right one, the appropriate one. Let's compare some celeb guys. Now, the fictional Edward Cullen seems like a dreamboat because of how bad boy he looks, cheeky smirk, sexy eyes, quite but sort of sensitive to someone he loves. And hmm actor Chris Evans, for me, is a gentleman. Or Ryan Reynolds. *sweats* (stop me)
THIS IS LONG wow ok i stop now so yeah basically thats how I see it I truly am sorry if I offended anyone or havent understood fully yeah ciao c u in d next answer

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Liked by: patriciapatochan

Do you think that we all should follow our dreams?

Now THIS. Earlier yesterday I thought of something. Do you ever have that feeling that you should just give up on something because "Don't push it, mate." BUT THEN you just remembered some random quote of motivation like "what if I'm almost there?" or "God is preparing me." Yes. All-the-time. I'm not actually sure where I'm going here...
Anyways, OF COURSE! You should and definitely DESERVE to live and experience things. Everyone's dreams are different, well can be the same but different reasons/goals. Dreams are made of drive, motivation, goals. Like you know, what really drives you in life. Some may want to be a teacher because they love sharing their knowledge to children, or doctor to save people's life. Now I'm telling you the real deal here, it is NOT easy hooo no it is not, pal. Never. Ever. Can be off to a good start, but something will break you down halfway through or just at the tip of your success. But hey, dreams are worth it. Like the phrase, 'no pain, no gain.' Ok maybe that's more like a fitness thing. uhmm.. "If you can dream it, you can have it." Was it like that? Well, you get my point. No, I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just giving you a head start so you'll be ready for whatever's coming on your way there. Never forget the people who loves and supports you in any situation. And of course, God, He will guide you and knows what's best for you. (If you're an Atheist nevermind that sentence I'm sure you'll be just as fine) GANBARE! <3
P.S I totally forgot. Please tell me you're talking about dreams that are nice and helpful to the world, if not....................

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Search deh hahaha but u can watch it for free online though :D

Ohh okay2 I'll look it up later thank you for the info linnn<3

What's one thing you hate having to pay for?

Food because I eat a lot(?)
No uhmm I don't really hate paying for anything, it's just that the price sometimes is not worth it :/
Like, something really cheap-looking and, if food not that delicious, and suddenly the price is really expensive, now that's where I get mad. Ok not mad but you get it

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

"You have helped me figure out more things about me that I never knew".
People say nice things to me (blessed), but this is recent and I'm forgetful so...

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

Depends who I'm with. If that person can cook, then cook. If not, neither can I, so dinner outside. .....or attempt cooking although knowing eventually we'll order delivery in the end..


Language: English