
Lee Jindalle

Ask @leejindalle

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I think we both think equally much, this... I cannot help you with... T T

T T its okay senpai... We need a senpai for this. LOOKING FOR IGNORANT PEOPLE EAGER TO TEACH OVERTHINKING TEENAGERS lost in their own weird thoughts. LOL wait its kinda funny though you sound so helpless, like me ;_;

BAHAHA You understand metaphors and get the meaning of the sentence easily, though it's not written so that it's directly understandable xD

Oh I see 0.0 but I guess it's thanks to my skeptical-personality ... Or I just think too much I swear. SENPAI tell me how to not think too much ;A; it has been very..tiring........

YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TRANSLATE IT LIKE THAT, but this proves you're very clever, you're good at reading between the lines aren't you 83

SENPAI CALL ME CLEVER HE HE HE thank you senpai OuO \o/ *happy student dance* but what's the meaning by reading between the lines *coughs babo student back*

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THANK YOU, I SHALL REMEMBER THAT, may you find the right man and live happily ever after he he he 8D

No my senpai said we'll die OMG it's like you're wishing me dead soon HAHAHAHAHAHA


It's good to be non-realistic sometimes senpai because a reply to "I hope you find the right man" is definitely not "no lol we'll die" YOURE SO SCARY

What’s your favorite method of shopping?

Go all around the shop to see what to get. When I have cash. If not, lets just pass all of those... Than to be hurt ;A;

Tbh and impersonate veronica ong (¬͡ -̮ ͡¬)

What's tbh???:0 hmmmmmmm "ih apasih sorry terus dalle benci deh gw"

Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

Giving! It feels nice, especially when I buy them using my own money omg OuO but receiving is also nice because u feel appreciated OuO to be honest receiving can be burdening because you may receive gifts that you don't like, or useless. But meh it's the thought that counts LOL

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

The bad would lie just to be adored. The good would tell you the truth even if it hurts, for the better.
The bad would blame you for everything, they won't be fair. While the good will.
The bad make promises and break most of it. The good would say "I can't promise you anything".
The bad will judge everything they see. The good will judge but also considering the stories behind them.
The bad are not grateful and will always expect more. The good will be grateful for whatever they have at that moment, and knows anything will happen when the time comes.
The bad are shallow.
JUST AN OPINION btw ;3; Everyone are the way they are because of their life experiences so I don't blame the bad ones. They just haven't learned the right way, yet.
But I really feel the worst kinds of people are the ones who fake. Fake like, they act nice but they're actually using you or want something back.

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What's the best news you've ever received?

When my teacher called me just to say: "Dalleeee! You got 89 for maths!!!"
And when I heard SM is opening audition in my country in this coming February. OuO

What do you say during awkward silences?

"GUYS WHY IS IT AWKWARD" or "awkward.." Or "lets not make this awkward guys" LOL

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

My bestie Kristi HAHAHAHAHA omg it'd be epic. And P'Sasha OuO can laugh for centuries~ hmm about the destination....... I don't care though... Anything far LOL It should be fun atleast :3

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

Constantly updating with that person by texting or phone call and like that person is the one you're most often with.

What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?

I think that mini dress for my autister HIHI but it's worth it because she likes it OuO

What do you do when you are alone in your room?

What I always do when I'm in my room. Chatting, socializing on the Internet, pokopang. Sometimes I take selfies or try on clothes and mix-and-match them LOL

Are you happy with the amount of information in your head?

Yeah. Although there are some unnecessary ones, but it's better to know.

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

Singing and dancing skills, that's two. One more...harmony family. I mean, we're doing fine now, but less togetherness unlike 10 years ago.

What kind of movies do you most enjoy?

Comedy, horror or romance comedy. But not cheesy ones. Animated sometimes if they're good. Actions but not in the cinemas because it's so loud. goes like BANG BANG BOOM

What is the last thing you watched on TV?

Immortal Song on KBS. But that's only a glimpse. Watched Jurassic Park 1 or 2 with ma bro yesterday~

Which is the best age to marry?

Females 23-25. Males 25-27. Gotta get that life made clear to you first before marriage~ But idk I'm only 16 this is just a random opinion.

Who do you talk to on the phone most often?

Call hm? ............my autister..? But it's rare... But when we talk WE. TALK. But often calls is my dad...

What social networking websites do you use?

A lot. Twitter Facebook tumblr Skype Line and so on and so on. Sometimes I make an ID and forget about it. Or don't really use it because no one use it. Like KakaoTalk, I only use it with my dad. But it's very rare I 'chat' with him.

What mask would you wear to a masked ball?

That Jason mask LOL. Hmmmm probably a simple black non-cat eye mask. Because cat-eyes will probably be everywhere boooo.


Language: English