
Majed Jarrar

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Sh, the major madhhab in my place is Shafi'i. I love Hanbali, to the point that I know their books, ie tadarruj to learn the Hanbali Fiqh, their scholars and so on. But in this case, the best for me is to stick with Shafi'i? I hope Sh can give convincing reasons in ord for me to solidify my path Jzk

Standing out can be motivated by several deadly ailments of the soul, such as arrogance, desire for fame, greed, etc.
You can be truly unaware of these in your heart because as long as your ego and status are small, they're malnourished.
Stay with the community, it'll foster a better educational environment, and work on cleansing your heart, and inshaAllah you'll be a great Shafi'i scholar who will not force people to follow his mathhab.

if I gave birth on friday: the Aqiqah (7th day) will be next thursday? and if friday night: laylato alsabt it'll be thursday night: laylato al jomo'a?

1. Yes, the aqiqah can be on 7th, 14th, 21st etc, so any future Thursday in your scenario.
2. Yes. Basically, in lunar calendar the night precedes the day, while in the solar calendar the day precedes the night.
When we say in Arabic Laylatul Jumua, it means Friday eve, which means Thursday night, which is the night between the sunset of Thursday and sunrise of Friday.

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Tons of animals eat deаd animals and even their own poop but they're not harm?

Any edible animal (e.g. birds, cattle) that ends up eating dead animals becomes temporarily prohibited in Islam until three days of feeding on healthy food.
Pigs mate with their own siblings, and eat their own dead parents. No other mammal does such behaviour normally and willingly.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142449855298?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=iOS Different asker. Why would you discourage western education? (Not asking to start a fight, or criticize. I'm sincerely curious)

I'm clearly joking.
Nevertheless I don't advocate that every person must go to university. I think education is important, but the majority of the people in the society only need a college degree or a professional diploma, not a bachelor's of arts.

I have a friend who works in Subway which means he handles meat and pork and stuff. He wears gloves so is that job firstly permissible and secondly does it effect his wudhu or anything like that?

It is not permissible for a Muslim to handle any pork products or work in a position that promotes pork products.
God said: "Support one another towards good manners and righteousness, and do not support one another towards sins and transgression, and be cautious of God. Indeed, God has a severe punishment."
Pork is prohibited for Muslims, Christians and Jews. The prohibition is stated explicit in the Torah, Bible and Qur'an. Pigs are the filthiest mammal God created, it eats the feces and dead corpses of its own family and of other animals.
What's the story with subway questions these days, I'm going to consider charging them for advertisement on my page.
If you're in Ottawa, I know three halal restaurants that are currently hiring, pm me.

Assalammu'alaikum sir, i want to ask you about what should i do to be patient and discipline person. Because i can't wake up in the morning easily and i've seldom done tahajud. I don't know why. But from deep in my heart i want to have tahajud but i can't because i can't sleep less than 8 hours.

Either you don't really want to, or He doesn't want you to pray.
In both cases, check your sins in the daytime.

I was wondering if you could give me some tips Shaykh. To give you a background, I am in my teens, memorized Quran + basic texts of Tajwid (Tuhfa, Jazariyah). Currently reading the ten & studying Shatibiyya/Durra. In Fiqh: in Umdatul-Talib, In Nahw: Mutamimah, in Hadith: still on 40. Tips? Jzk.

I recommend with your fresh memory and age to focus on memorizing the following:
Hadeeth: mukhtasar ibn abi jamrah, and jami' aluloom.
Usool: Waraqaat
Uloom Qur'an: zamzami
Seerah: alurjoozah almee'iyyah
Aqeedah: tahawiyya (study with it the explanation) by ibn Abi al'izz
Uloom hadeeth: study nukhbatul fikar
Hanbali Fiqh: annadhm aljaleyy.
You can finish all of this in 2 years inshaAllah.

How many intentions can be combined for fasting on the same day? Can I fast from thursday to monday with the intention to make up fasts, because it's sunnah, it's muharram and the day of ashura (plus day before and after that)?

There are primary and specific intentions, such as fasting Ramadan, Arafah, Ashura, etc.
And there are situational intentions, such as fasting in a sacred month, fasting on a Thursday, fasting in white days, fasting on a hot day, fasting a long day, etc. These are not primary intentions, you can fast an obligatory fast, or its make up on those days, and it's permissible, not because you're combining intentions, but because they're parallel intentions. One is primary and one is situational.
It is encouraged in our mathhab to plan an obligatory fast, like Ramadan makeup, on a day in which fasting has more special reward, like fasting on Monday or Thursday, or in a sacred month like Muharram.
As for fasting the day of Ashura with the intention of makeup Ramadan, that's a dual intention in our mathhab, and it would nullify the obligatory fast, so it wouldn't count as obligatory.
So you could still fast it as the Sunnah only and do the makeup another day, or fast it with the intention for a makeup and hope that this special day would make your make up fast greater in quality and reward, and more likely to be accepted, inshaAllah. That's my preferred opinion.

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I have to make up prayers for the time I wasn't practicing. But I always fasted ramadan. Now I don't know if I have to make up those ramadans because I wasn't praying or maybe my fasting lacked in something. Or is this waswasa?

No, the fasting is an independent worship.
Liked by: Amena Alrubayee

But with ta'heel I am atleast covering all the abwab whereas bidayat al abid is just ibadat. What do you think?

Yeah no it's definitely good. Just know you'll run into some sections you've never heard of, so you'll need a good teacher to explain them.
Liked by: Warisha.

ناس قرايبي بعتوا مصحف ملزوق فيه ورقه باسم متوفي وآخر باسم شخص حي،في كيس ملزوق عليه 3ايات واسم المتوفي عايز اتخلص من الكيس مش هينفع احرقه ينفع اقطعه وارميه ؟ وحرام الورق الملزوق في اول المصحف قبل الفاتحه اتخلص منه ازاي لان ممكن يتقطع لو شلتها

ممكن تدفنه في الأرض.

What is the ruling on marrying a girl who doesn't pray yet? Maybe some would say "the ruling is that you marry her, take her hand and pray with her" :D on a serious note, I'm in love with a girl but she only prays on eid and ramadan. I can't simply forget her as some advise... What is your advice?

If only you can hear yourself ya miskeen.
You will be resurrected in the status of those you love on the day of judgement.
Liked by: أحمد فضل

Can I move onto Umdat talib if I finished sh. Amir bahjat's ta'heel? Or should I do bidayat abid before moving on?

Ta'heel is okay, but you will miss a few basic things.

انا نظري ضعيف جدا ومتقدم لخطبتي شاب ايضا نظره ضعيف جدا - لكن في المجمل هو شاب مقبول - خايفه الصراحه اوافق وبعدين مثلا ربنا يرزقنا باطفال يفقدو النظر خالص 😂 رأي حضرتك .

لو في قبول عند الطرفين فلا حرج.
بس خوفي الأكبر يطلعوا الأولاد مفتحين خالص ويضحكوا عليكوا انتو الاثنين.
ربي يحفظكم ويرزقكم لذة النظر إلى وجهه الكريم في الآخرة.

Have you memorised any Fiqh book and any Hadith book?

From cover to cover? A few books of hadeeth, aqeedah and Fiqh.
And studied a dozen books from scholars in Mecca, Medina, and Azhar, cover to cover, and got ijazas from them.
And studied on scholars in four different continents, and got over one hundred ijazas.
I could go on more and more, there's nothing that makes me sound more arrogant and snobby than talking about which scholars I learnt from and what books I have ijazas in.
But wallah, all of that, added to a BSc, MSc and PhD degrees have absolutely no value to me.
Because in any field, credentials (alone) are neither a true indication of excellence in knowledge, nor perfection in implementation.
Yes, a scholar recommends you another scholar, might be one way of ensuring good quality of where you learn from.
Being part of a reputable institution might imply that a faculty is worthy learning from.
But these ways are far from perfect. There's nothing more reliable as a measure for one's knowledge than assessing their own words.
Forget about my memorization or achievements. Don't aim to be like me, or any other living teacher. Aim for the stars; Muhammad - peace be upon him - and his companions.

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قال ابن حزم في "الفصل في الملل والأهواء والنحل": اليهود والنصارى كفار بلا خلاف من أحد من الأمة، ومن أنكر كفرهم فلا خلاف من أحد من الأمة في كفره وخروجه من الإسلام. وحكى أيضًا القاضي عياض في "الشفا" الإجماع على كفر من لم يكفر أحدًا من اليهود أو النصارى، أو شك في كفره، أو توقف في ذلك.

قال ابن حزم في الفصل في الملل والأهواء والنحل اليهود والنصارى كفار بلا خلاف من

السلام عليكم شيخ كيف اتقن اللغه الانجليزيه فضلا

الاتقان لو كان سهل مكانش أجره عظيم.
في واحد مجنون اسمه مالكوم جلادويل، بيقول حاجات كويسة أحيانا. بيقول أنك حتى تتقن أي علم أو فن حتى تصبح خبيرا به، تحتاج إلى ممارسته لمدة ١٠,٠٠٠ ساعة.
يعني ثلاث ساعات كل يوم لمدة عشر سنوات، تبقى زي الفل.
ثم عقب قائلا، ابقى قابلني بعد عشر سنين لو طلع الكلام غلط 😂


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