
Majed Jarrar

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For a beginner: Zad al-Mustaqni' or Daleel at-Talib? Also, what's the title of Sh. Ahmed Salem's book outling usool?

Sobol, outlines the road map for every discipline in Islamic scholarship.

الإمام بيقرأ سورة البقرة علي طول كدة بالأسلوب دة : بيقول ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه , بعد كدة يسكت و يقول فيه هدي للمتقين , إيه حكم دة

وقف صحيح.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142310329666?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android I guess the one who asked the question was talking about the "children" which means لم يبلغ الحلم isn't that type of people are not going to be judged as the prophet said كل مولود يولد على الفطرة

I understood that. Their ruling in the hereafter is up to God. Their ruling in this life is that of their parents.
Similarly, a hypocrite who dies amongst the Muslims gets the ruling of Muslims, but their hereafter is with God.
We only judge by what is apparent to us, God takes care of what's in the hearts.

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Assalamu alaykum. Can we say Allah yer7amu/Allah yer7amha about children who die and whos families aren't Muslim?

Alaikum assalam, we are obliged to rule only by that which appears to us. So even if the Pope was secretly Muslim, and died with the Qur'an in his hands, as some of his staff reported, we can't buy him in the graveyards of the Muslims, we can't wash his body, or pray the funeral prayer for him, or say may God have mercy over him, as we have been prohibited from saying any of this except to those who believe in God and followed the messenger that was sent to them.
We pray God for forgiveness of the disciples of Jesus, and the companions of Moses and Muhammad, peace be upon them all, because they followed the messenger of their era.
We also know that each individual will be judged individually, based on their own life choices. If someone received the message and rejected it, they will be punished. If someone did not receive the message, they will not be punished. God said: "We were not to torment [anyone] until we send a messenger [and gets rejected by them]"
In summary, we are prohibited from guaranteeing anyone with Paradise or Hellfire. However we are fearful for the state of the polytheists in the hereafter, and we are hopeful for the state of the believers in the hereafter. But ultimately, it is only your Lord who forgives whom He wants, and punishes whom He wants. He will never be questioned on His choices, but we will be.

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"it requires being in control of one's own tongue, even at anger, which is something that most men are able to do".. This statement is shocking. How do you explain all the cursing, foul words, the talaqs said in anger and other tounge-related evil that is extremly common among men?

First, no it is not extremely common; the vast majority of families all over the world are doing just fine. You're influenced by a reporting bias (e.g. your dozens of neighbours and relatives who were married for 20+ years don't come to mind when talking about this, but random news segments or movie clips or extended family news about domestic quarrels pop up in mind immediately).
Expressing anger with swearing and curses is substantially different than initiating a divorce during anger.
Husbands were given responsibilities over their wives, which include things such as financial responsibilities. The divorce is a right for the man that has heavy consequences; in vast majority of cases the wife becomes the primary custodian of the children, the husband is required to keep spending on the children and the wife after the divorce and the dowry must be paid in full.
If we were to assume that wives would have the right to initiate the divorce, then we'll need to edit the entire politics of household, including for example that they must bear financial consequences on the divorce, which is impossible because even in the most liberal societies the woman still earns 80 cents on the dollar that the man earns for the exact same job in the same company.
To cut the chase, God has created men and women with many differences in their physical, emotional and intellectual capacities, and has given each partner their due share of rights and responsibilities that are in line of their natural disposition and abilities. This balance in rights and responsibilities of each spouse towards the other is far beyond perfection; it is quite literally divinely inspired.
God says "and do not wish for what God has bestowed upon one [sex] over the other; men have a share of they earned and women have a share of they earned. Instead, ask God of His bounty. Indeed, God has been the most knowledge about everything." 4:32

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

I'm a woman , Is it ok to say or listen to jokes that are rated 18+ between women ?

Neither a Muslim woman nor a Muslim man should listen or participate in obscene conversations.
Imam Malik narrated, that Jesus, peace be upon him, saw a pig in his way and said to it: pass by with peace. The disciples said: are you saying this to a pig?! He said: I do not want my tongue to get used to foul language.
The Prophet said: every morning, all the parts of human will threaten the tongue, saying: fear God in us, we are in this together. If you straighten up, we go straight, and if you become lewd, we go lewd.
And he also said, peace be upon him: "A believer is not one who backstabs, nor curses, nor says obscenity, nor has a foul mouth."

Assalamuaalaykum Shaykh, are there any hanafi fiqh books you'd recommend? Also, would it be okay to read fiqh books (just fiqh) written by somone from deoband (they exalt the virtues of sufism and have their own tareeqas)? JAK

For a beginner, there's no better start than with maraaqi alfalah.
Yes, many great books of Fiqh were written by Ash'aris and Sufis, that's why your journey in Fiqh needs to be in parallel with your study of hadeeth, Qur'an and aqeedah.

I dont think i am going to make notes of 150 pages...i need many days for that. I must return back the book today. So is that haram to do? To take photos...

You may take pictures, but don't sell or share them.
Having said that, leaving the book until the last day to take the pictures says a few undesirable traits about you.
Now, are you going to take the pictures then wait until the last night or two before the exam to go through them, or are you going to prepare hard for it?

as-Salamu alaikum. Is it true that the riwayah of Abi Jafar al Madani is the closest to the prophet Muhammads, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam, tribe Quraysh language? I heard it is because there are few hamzah, no imalah and every plural pronom with saakin gets و like عليهمو. Is that true?

The best qiraa'ah is Naafi', via both riwayas, then 'Asim via Shu'ba.

Isen't non-physical abuse also mistreatment? Like if he insults her and her family by using bad words, mocking them and so on? And what about if a woman want sex more than every four month? If she can't even fulfill her sexual desires in a marriage then how should she do it?

And what kind of a psychopath who insults her but doesn't hit her, fulfills her need in bed and spends on all her needs?
What if she makes up the claim that he insults her? How can he defend himself?
Her minimum right is that he spends one night with her every four months, if he's traveling alone.
If he's present, and able, yet continues to refuse meeting her needs, she may appoint an arbitrator from her family to speak to an arbitrator from his family. God says that in such circumstances, reconciliation is a better solution that separation. God says:
"And if a woman fears from her husband contempt or evasion, there is no blame upon them if they make terms of settlement between them - and settlement is best. And present in [human] souls is stinginess. But if you do good in excellence and fear God - then indeed God is ever knowledgable with what you do." 4:128

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salam sheikh. I have a test soon and I need a book but it's really expensive so I am going to borrow it from the library. However my time ends soon and I must return it back...and I am also in need of the book. Can I take some photos of the pages of the book and use it? Or is that haram? HayyakAllah

Wa alaikum assalam, copy it by hand, and that will help you remember what you copied.

Is it permissible for a woman to divorce her husband because he got married again and she can't live with that?

A woman in Islam has the right to request a divorce from her husband if he mistreats* her.
She also has the right to mandate in the marriage contract before the wedding that if the husband wishes to marry a second wife, he has to divorce her first.
If the marriage is impossible to continue, she may go to a Muslim judge (or the head imam in the city) who has the authority to annul the marriage (faskh) if there's the reason makes the marriage impossible to continue (e.g. if he turns out to be her half brother, or if he becomes atheist, etc).
As a last resort, she may initiate an emancipation deal (a.k.a Khul'), facilitated by a Muslim judge, where she gives back the dowry, forfeits her right to guardianship and financial duty which her husband owes her, in exchange of nullifying the marriage.
*mistreatment is defined when the husband causes any of the three to his wife: physical abuse, financial insecurity, and abandoning her in bed for over four months.
The sole act of having another wife is not mistreatment, but if there's that the husband being unequal between the wives (equality, not fairness, is the criterion), such as the floor area of both houses, monthly expenses per household, number of nights spent at each house per 4 months, the frequency and value of gifts, etc. then the wife may have a case of mistreatment to present to a judge.
The Messenger of God said: If any woman asks her husband for divorce without mistreatment, then she will be prohibited from even smelling the fragrance of paradise. The fragrance of paradhise can be smelled from over seventy years away.
The divorce is initially a verbal contract in Islam, and does not need witnesses other than the husband and the wife. It requires being in control of one's own tongue, even at anger, which is something that most men are able to do while most women are unable to do. That is a reason why women have no right to initiate the divorce in Islam, but may request it when there's mistreatment.

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Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Salamalaikum, how should I pray when my wisdom thooth were removed and my mouth constantly bleeds?

Excessive bleeding breaks the wudu in our mathhab. The threshold of 'excessive' varies per person, but scholars define it as what you find as repugnant.
It is managed similarly to incontinence; you put a cotton and try your best to seal the bleeding, and pray. You redo your wudu for each obligatory prayer.

ايه أجمل دولة رحتها يا مولانا ؟ من ناحية الجمال الطبيعي خلقة ربنا ,,, مصر ؟ xD لا بس بجد انهي دولة ؟ شكرا جزيلا :D

"أينما كانت محبوبتي فتلك جنتي"
من الحكم التي ورثتها من سواقي التوكتوك في المقطم.

Have u ever smoked weed

Al-Hasan Al-Basri (d. 110H, 728CE) said: I came across people who were sinful, who did not dig the sins of others, and God concealed their sins. And I came across people, who did not sin (publicly), but once they started digging in the sins of others, God exposed their sins.

Sheikh, sometimes I wish that I was just not a human so I could not sin. Is this thought process sinful inherently?

Not at all. Umar said: I wish I were a tree where the Muslims benefitted from its shade, instead of becoming their khaleefa.
Also fearing what her people might accuse her, Mary, mother of Jesus, peace be upon them, said when she delivered him (as narrated by God in the Qur'an, chapter Mary): "I wish I was dead before this [birth] and had not existed at all."
Nevertheless, these are only wishes, and should not develop to the point they interfere with your obligations in this world.

Assalamuaalaykum Shaykh, this question doesn't fall under your field of specialization, but do you know anything about the english shafi fiqh book Reliance of the Traveler? Is it a credible source of knowledge? JazaakAllahu Khayr

I know the book, and the translator, and I studied Shafi'i Fiqh for six years.
It's not a good choice.
Begin with Safeenatul najaat (would be great if it's translated, but I don't know if it has been), then, in Arabic, study/memorise alghaayah by Ibn shujaa', with its epic explanation the Iqnaa'. It should be studied in Arabic so you need to focus on that.
Those two books should take you about five years to finish, come back when you're done if you want more.
Final note, just like Nuh Keller, many explanations and translations are written by hardcore Sufis who leave some aqeedah hidden mines in the text. I'm not responsible if you proceed without a teacher who is a good minesweeper.

القول الراجح أن المنتحر كافر لدخوله تحت نص الأية ' ولا يايئس من روح الله إلا القوم الكافرون ' وحديث حرمت عليه الجنة ، أم أنه مرتكب لكبيرة فقط تحت المشيئة ؟

راجح مين بس يا عمنا اتق الله. مفيش حاجة اسمها القول الراجح مطلقا. الراجح عند فلان ليس راجح عند علان. تقول ما هو القول الراجح عند الشافعي أقولك.
أما مطلقا فمفيش الكلام ده.
طيب مستخسر السلام عليكم ليه، مش راجح ده برضه؟
ومفيش دعاء؟
طيب من فضلك ولا شكرا؟
دا الواحد لو داخل يشتري من كشك سجاير كان تأدب أكثر من كدة يا حبيبي
خليك طيب وخفيف وجميل في زيارتك القادمة لو سمحت.

هل تكفي النية للصلوات المفروضة بقولي اما اقوم اصلي الظهر مثلاً ولا يشترط صيغة معينة

يجوز التلفظ بالنية في مذهبنا قبيل التحريمة، وقيل يستحب.
ويكفي قول نويت أن أصلي الظهر، ولا حاجة أن يقول أربع ركعات، ولا حاضرة، ولا الفريضة، وله أن يقول جماعة أو منفردا.


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