
Majed Jarrar

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Any Islamic solutions (reading certain surahs) or other solutions for someone with weak memory? Someone who perhaps forgets something they have studied. I am just not able to keep the information I have learned and forget it quickly.

Memorising the Qur'an, and revising it daily, gives you a stronger memory.
The people who memorise the Qur'an notably live longer and have strong memories, even those who live to 90s and 100s.

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In regards to ghusl with a cast/bandage, do we apply the scenarios of wudu to ghusl as well (with tayammum, mas7, etc.)?

Yes, the same scenario applies.

Seriously Shaikh Majed what were you thinking of when they took this picture for you? 😊

Trying to solve the optimization problem of saving an ummah with rapidly increasing disasters and decreasing scholars.

Is it permissible for my wife to go on holiday with her friends provided that I accompany her as her mahram, even if her friends are not being accompanied by their mahrams?


هشترى تلاجة وغسالة وبوتجاز من تاجر بالتقسيط .. وهاخدهم ابيعهم بخسارة قليلة .. عشان محتاج الفلوس دى اسافر بيها .. وهسد القسط شهريا ... هل كده ده ربا ؟

هذا اسمه بيع التورق، والجمهور على جوازه بشرط أن لا تبيع للبائع نفسه لان في ذلك تحايل على الربا.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139915584834 و الفلوس تيجي منين؟

كلنا عارفين أن الشهادة مبتجيبش فلوس
وانت تعرف أمثلة عن خريجي ابتدائي عندهم ملايين
ودكاترة جامعات عايشين في الفقر
كونك تركز على طلب العلم دراسة لا يعني انك لا تسعى في تحصيل الرزق من كسب وعمل وغيره.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139914654274 هل الأمة فعلا بحاجة لطلبة علم شرعي؟ د.طارق السويدان يقول خريجي الشريعة سنويا50 ألف

هذا كلام سيء جدا.
وماذا افعل بخمسين الف كلهم غثاء، من خريجي ٦٠٪، لا همة ولا خير يرجى، الا من رحم ربي؟!
بل عندنا مئات الآلاف من المهندسين العاطلين عن العمل، والأولى أن نقول للطلبة لا تدرسوا هندسة، بدلا أن نصدهم عن دين الله.

سلام الله عليك يا شيخ انا هاخد من أخ ليا 30000 جنيه عشان هسافر بيهم لانى مش معايا فلوس .. وهو اشترط انه ياخدهم 45000 جنيه بعد ما ربنا يوسع عليا واحوش وابعتهملوا ... كده ربا ؟

طبعا ربا وفاحش كمان.
لو هو خايف من تدهور العملة ممكن يقرضك بالدولار وترجعله بالدولار.

Salamu alaikum ustadh. I have bad eyesight (really weak) and I dont have the money to do a operation. But am I allowed to do ruqya to improve my eyesight? I recite many suwar, ayat al Kursi, the ad'iya on water and drink it and apply it on my eyes? Is it valid? BarakAllahu fikum. A brother in need!

Absolutely. I ask Allah cure your eyes.

what is the most disadvantage of being a moody girl? what is your advice for a moody girl......Thanks.

1. There is nothing more powerful nor effective than du'aa.
2. Make a plan for every mood how to deal with other people, yourself and God.
3. Avoid making huge decisions without waiting to verify with your other moods. It's reasonably suggested that you go through all your possible mood cycles within forty days.
4. Speaker to a professional councillor for some advice on how to reduce the effects of your moodiness on your life.
5. Again, don't forget the power of du'aa.
Liked by: Warisha.

should i refrain from speaking to the opposite gender if i am afraid he/she may cross their limits>

Yes. There is nothing more valuable than safety.

What is irjaa'

Full irjaa': The belief that no one is a disbeliever in God, even Pharoah, even the Devil himself. Some murji'a believe any Muslim cannot disbelieve, some believe Jews and Christians are believers, etc. It stems from the misunderstanding that belief is knowledge. So those who know about God means they believe in him.
The opposite extreme to irjaa' is khurooj. Murji'a are the other end of the spectrum to khawarij. The spectrum being judging the faith of other people.
Ahlusunnah are in the middle of the spectrum between the two. We don't excommunicate people out of Islam without an irrefutable proof. Whosoever is evidently a believer cannot be considered a disbeliever by doubt.

How to know if my English is ok for everyday communication with native speakers?

If people don't understand you, or you don't understand them, then there's still room to improve.
Liked by: Thana Mer'i Warisha.

Where can I get Career advice for Muslims who want to help/change people's life's in their secular job and also become students of knowledge


Asalamualikom, I didn't fast some days in previous Ramadans for valid reasons. I have 3 days from 2014, 12 days from 2015 and 9 days from 2016. I understand that I should have fasted these days in the same year I missed them. What should I do other than fast the days to make up for them?

1. It is sinful to delay making up fast from one year to another without an excuse. Much like delaying Asr until after Maghreb.
2. Start making up the oldest first, unless -for a valid excuse - you're afraid you won't be able to finish all of them and this year's fast before next Ramadan, then it's okay to stop/break the order and fast the nine days first.
3. For every day you missed from this year, making up the fast is sufficient expiation.
4. For every Ramadan fast that has been missed more than a year ago, the expiation is a day fast, plus feeding a poor person a day's worth of food.
Liked by: Warisha.

Shaykh Muqbil Bin Hadi Al Wadi’i رحمه الله “Our sins are more harmful upon us than America, and those who govern us.” (Ghaara tul ashrita 2/170)

No they aren't, this is the other extreme view, and leads to the irjaa' mentally of those jihad-denying Muslims.
The balanced view is that our sins and rulers are two levels of self harm, while the enemies at war with us are an external oppression.
If you have cancer and someone breaks into your home and tries to kill you and your oppressive father, then it's criminal to say let us worry about our own diseases.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/139841775682 سؤال ليس الغرض منه تكذيبك والله. إذا كيف جمعت بين العلم الشرعي و كاريرك الهندسي؟ غير السائل/ة

بالتزويغ والتقصير وقلة الإتقان في الاثنين، وستر الله ولطفه، نسأل الله العفو والمغفرة.
إذا أردت العلم الشرعي فانظر أولا في سير السلف، كالشافعي وأحمد، والأوزاعي ومالك، واقتدي بهم.
Liked by: آية

الجمع جائز إذا كان المطر يبل الثياب ؛ يعني ولو وُجدت مظلّات أو سيارات أو أي وسيلة أخرى نصل بها إلى المسجد دون بل الثوب؟

نعم، ولو، فغيرك لا يمتلك هذه.
Liked by: Warisha.

Aslamualikom, this is Hani, I am isAllah about to travel to Canada soon and Shekh DR. Waked Almenesi recommend my Shekh Faraj Elabd that I communicate with u, and I tried in fb but my messages didn't deliver to u because we r not a fb friends, Hope to talk to u soon

wa alaikum assalamu, anyone from the beloved is beloved. I'll check my messages inshallah.


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