
Majed Jarrar

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Is it halal to buy first home (in Ottawa) with traditional bank loan? If not, then can you kindly suggest the name of any organization that gives loan to purchase home in Ottawa following Islamic principles?

It is not permissible to mortgage a home via a bank. Usury is a major sin.
1) I'm an advocate against buying/building homes. It is one of the biggest expenses in your life that is very difficult to avoid extravagance.
2) The Prophet said: God blesses the income for mankind except that which is spent on building homes.
He also said: Every home built will be a source of regret to its owner, except for that which is necessarily built to protect from the heat, cold and wild animals.
He also said: a person is rewarded for all the wealth spent on their family except what they put in building homes.
He also said: whoever builds a home bigger that their need, will be required to carry it on their shoulders on the day of judgement.
He also said: All the money that mankind spend can have good come out of it, except for that which is spent on building homes.
3) The scholars have said buying and building are similar in nature, and if one is buying a home they must ensure it's not more than they need.
The prophet said: the bedrooms are three types: one for the person and their family, one for the guest and the rest is for the devil.
4) having said all the above, there's a multitude of halal options in Ottawa. I know of six different companies solutions that are locally available. Just ask around.

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I want to learn martial arts/self defense and I searched a women only place but wherever I've looked at least the trainer is male. They say: "how will a woman learn to defend herself from strong men if they only train with women?" Also there's a shortage of female trainers. Are there alternatives?

Don't go out alone at night.
Or marry a martial artist :)

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1. Is it halal to pay off a siblings bank loan and the riba that they signed up for? If that riba isen't payed then it will continue to grow according to the secular law. 2. If the answer is yes, will it still be yes if the sibling is non-practicing and has not repented from taking this loan?

Repentance precedes reparation.
MajedJarrar’s Video 142157183042
Liked by: أحمد رجب

الأمر في الحديث الضعيف يفيد الاستحباب كما ذكره ابن مفلح. هل هذا مما انفرد به الحنابلة؟

نعم، الضعف في السند يضعف قوة الأمر والنهي عندنا، فيحمل على الاستحباب والكراهة إن لم يكن هناك دليل أقوى منه يؤيده.

Why did you choose to study the Hanbali madhab?

I'm too lazy to take off my socks, so I looked for a mathhab that allows wiping on socks.
Just kidding, there are two reasons for someone to choose a mathhab, if they want to specialize in studying Fiqh.
1. Choosing the mathhab of your hometown: all four schools discourage introducing foreign religious opinions to a locality if they already have their own mathhab.
2. Finding scholars of one mathhab significantly stronger in Fiqh in their mathhab than yours.
I started studying Hanafi Fiqh first for the first reason, then switched to Shafi'i for the second reason, then switched to the Hanbali mathhab for both reasons.

I'm an Iranian Shia, but I want to convert to Sunnism. Do I have to tell people about my ethnic background? Lots of Sunni Arabs would call me "majoosi" or "rafidhi" when I would try to ask them with questions about Sunnism, so I don't want to mention it, but it seems like taiqya, which I hate.

The Persians have contributed significantly more to the advancement of humanity, and specifically to the advancement of Islamic knowledge, than any other ethnicity or race. The majority of the imams of hadeeth and Fiqh came from a Persian lineage.
While it's true that the honour of Arabs to have the Messenger of God from their lineage is greater than all scholars combined, that is not a reason to look down upon other races/ethnicities, and you should be grateful - rather than proud - of coming from an ethnicity with such honourable people.
May the Almighty protect you from arrogant idiots of all ethnicities.
Im an Iranian Shia but I want to convert to Sunnism Do I have to tell people

سؤال مهم وأرجوا الإجابة ماتكون جيبي ورقة وقلم عشان مش هعرف اعزرني الناس قدرات،انا مابعرف عدد الصلوات المفروض أقضيها،بس ح اقضي ٤-٥سنة احتياطي،طيب معناه لمدة خمس سنوات لقدام اصلي مع كل فرض فرض زيادة ولا ممكن اصلي النوافل والقيام بنية القضاة برضو؟لين أتم القضاة كل النوافل تعتبر قضاة حتى لو نيتي غير؟

لن تطيقي جوابي.
إسألي الشيخ @MAbdolhady

السلام عليكم يا شيخ ما هو ترتيب اصول المذهب الحنبلي بعد الكتاب والسنة؟

أقرأ كتاب المدخل أو المدخل المفصل أو أصول مذهب الإمام أحمد
Liked by: أحمد فضل

Sheikh at my workplace there are 2 other Muslims. One is a guy who wipes on see through dress socks with holes and the like while the other doesn't know how to make wudu properly and can't recite Surah Fatiha properly. I have incontinence through excessive gas. Who should lead the prayer?

1) You should encourage them to learn their proper purification and prayer, or teach them if you're qualified.
2) with regards to wiping over socks: all schools of Fiqh agree on permissibility of wiping over leather socks (e.g. khuff or moccasins) with multiple conditions, but that is not the case for common socks (e.g. made of cotton or synthetics). The only mathhab which allows wiping over socks is the Hanbali mathhab, and they have conditions, among them: they can not have any holes, they can't be see-through to the extent the skin colour can be identified. People complain that only the Hanbalis put these conditions, but forget that it's because only Hanbalis have allowed to wipe over socks in the first place. So, you're welcome, and don't be ungrateful.
3) The person who can't recite the fatiha properly (i.e. Islamically is called: an illiterate) cannot lead prayer for literate people. If they can't because of a disability or hindrance, such as a lisp that completely changes a letter, being deaf or mute, then they may lead themselves or others like them. If it's due to ignorance, then they must learn how to recite it in the current prayer time, and the prayer can be delayed until they finish learning if they only need little time, otherwise they learn as much as possible then prayer with what they know, and must continue learning untill they get better for the next prayer, until they get it right.
5) It is not permissible for you to pray with someone whom you have a strong reason to believe their wudu is invalid, if your congregational prayer depends on them. Imam buhuti gives the example of two men standing in prayer, with no one around, if they smelled someone passing gas, then both of their prayers are invalid, because both of them believe that one of the two has broke their wudu, and hence the congregation is broken. But that's not the case when there's room for doubt, e.g. if three or more people praying in this example.

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Is it permissible to carry a small mushaf in ones coat? What if one walks into the toilet with the mushaf in the coat?

It is permissible to carry the Qur'an around, and it's a good way to ensure you're on wudu because it's prohibited to hold it with your hands unless you have wudu.
However, it is prohibited to enter the toilet with it, or with anything that has the name of God in it (e.g. a ring); you should find somewhere safe to keep it outside. If you can't find a place, and fear that leaving it outside might lead to it getting stolen, then you may, exceptionally, take it with you but cover it well. put it in a bag or the inside pocket of your coat.
Liked by: سندس

A woman who has to make up months or years of missed prayers, does she only make up for 20-25 days per month (depending on how long her menstruation usually takes)?


Assalamu alaykum shaykh, can mahr be paid after the nikah? and if it can be paid after (even if not all), are there specific timings to it? or must it be paid before it?

50% of the Mahr becomes due at the moment of Nikah, the other 50% becomes due after the consummation of the marriage.
Delaying is permissible, but it is at the discretion of the wife and her guardian's approval of course.

Hanbali madhhabs Usul wasn't written by the Imam himself but was first properly attempted by Abu Ya'la after almost 200 years of the Imam's death! :/ How then is Hanbali Usul so robust it's just extractions from the Imam's fatwas etc and Hanbalis themselves differ in Usul like weak Hadith usage :/

All the mathaahib had their Usool written over a century after their imam passed away, except the Shafi'iyya. That does not mean the Usool were not clarified excellently by the imams to their students. In fact, that's the single thing that made the mathaahib of Abu Hanifa, Malik, and Ahmed long lasting, and the mathhab of Umar bin alKhattab, Ali bin Abi Talib, Abdullah bin Abbas and Aisha fade away; the entire Ummah unanimously agrees that the latter for are better and more knowledgeable than the former for; but also unanimously agrees it is not permissible to follow exclusively the mathhab of Ibn Umar, but it is permissible to exclusively follow the mathhab of Abu Hanifa. The lesson here: is they left a complete framework of fatwa deduction, on top of thousands of fataawa as examples.
Just like the hadeeth of the Prophet wasn't written down until over a century afterwards, that doesn't mean that the oral tradition wasn't an equally solid medium of storing and passing knowledge.
The Prophet said: "we are an illiterate nation." That is why until today, the Qur'an and Hadeeth is memorized by millions of Muslims, the Fiqh is learnt with the connected chain of narration. Meanwhile the books are secondary sources of preservation.

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Salaam. In Amman I needed my visa renewed. We went and they didn't have any ink for fingerprints so he signed it off (illegally). I was with a group of people and didn't comment on it. But I realise it was wrong. A visa extension from Amman is free, but should I give money as Sadaqah as expiation?

"he" is the visa officer? If that's so, that's not illegal, you're good.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142133085250 جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا So we don't need to do qadhaa for the past 3 months prayers? Also, excuse my ignorance but I want to make sure what is the definition of "miskeen"? Who is considered as one? People who sweep dirt off the street for example?

Anyone who's barely making a living wage or less. Yes, it includes people with minimum wage jobs.
No Qadhaa' is needed.
Please fix your relationship with your mother. She loves you, and wanted to teach you a lesson that despite her immense and unconditional love to you, which no one person will be able to match, ever, she wanted you to learn that God is first and before all. That is a lesson for which you should be grateful to her forever.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142132656450 Sometimes I don't have the option to go to the masjid or pray in jama'ah. Then how much is ikhtiyar?

Assuming you're a man, your manhood mandates that you find a congregation. If you can't go to the nearest musalla, ask your classmates or coworkers, text your neighbour or friends.
It is 27 times better to look for a congregation to pray with, albeit just one other person than to pray alone at the beginning of the time.

The subtlety between ithbaat allafdh and ithbaat almana is very nuanced. Doesn't ithbat allafdh necessitate ithbat almaana because otherwise there is no meaning to ithbat allafdh. It seems like there is a degree of overlap between ithbat almaana and the kayfiyya when it comes to the Hanbalis?

You kinda figured it out right, but the reason things don't appear in fine details to you is because you're looking at them from distance.
Liked by: Esraa Y. Rajab

https://justpaste.it/1ax3g I'm sorry this is long, and again I am fully aware of the gravity of the situation, علمني الله واياكم وزادنا ايمانا ويقينا وفقها.

No worries, may Allah forgive you. Allah said: "do not make the oaths to God an excuse to not do righteousness, piety, or reconciliate with people, and God is all-hearing, all-knowing."
The Prophet said whoever makes an oath to God to not do something, then finds it's more righteous to do it, let them do it, and expiate.
The expiation is stated in the Qur'an, chapter 5 verse 89.
Liked by: Esraa Y. Rajab

The prayer of Dhuhr starts 13.05 and ends 16.45. Which time is it haram to postpone the prayer to? In this case there are no excuses, I am free and have much spare time. Do we count with the Ikhtiyari time and Daruri time?

All of Dhuhr is ikhtiyari. You pray with the congregation, even if it's in the last fifteen minutes of Dhuhr time.

Shaykh how is it that none of my superogatory prayers are accepted before I make up my missed prayers and my Lord says about Himself: و كان الله شاكرا عليما?!

عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: يقول الله: ما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضته عليه.
وعن أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه قال: إن الله لا يقبل النافلة حتى تؤدى الفريضة
قال بعض العلماء: من شغله الفرض عن النفل فهو معذور، ومن شغله النفل عن الفرض فهو مغرور.
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Salam, how can it be blasphemy to recite Qur'an in janaabah when many from Salaf like ibn 'Abbas, Salman al-Farisi, Sa'id bin alMusayyab, Ata', Bukhari and etc said it's fully halal to recite Quran even if your junub? I however don't do it nor recommend it but its a khilafi mas'alah. Just a Point!

Certainly. However, I was quoting the fatwa of the salaf that those who know that it's a requirement to do purification for an act of worship then defiantly and willingly choose to do it without purification, then it is an act of blasphemy; such as praying or touching the Qur'an without wudu; let alone while junub.
The recitation has a khilaaf among the companions. Just like some companions believed it was completely permissible, others, like Ali bin Abi Talib, said it was prohibited to recite one letter in janaabah, even if it was a du'aa. but the majority of the companions, and the four mathaahib, are upon the prohibition of recitation during janaabah unless it's not intended to be Qur'an (e.g. du'aa is permissible).
Liked by: Esraa Y. Rajab


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