
Majed Jarrar

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السلام عليكم .. ايه حكم المشي والصلاه ببنطلون مش واسع ومش ديق اوي للرجال . وهل في ولو نسبه كراهه .. وجزاكم الله كل خير ❤❤❤❤

الصلاة صحيحة، لكن يكره.
ويستحب عندنا لمن قدر أن يعيد الصلاة التي فعل فيها مكروها ما دام وقت الصلاة لم يخرج، ولو في وقت ضرورة. فإذا خرج الوقت فلا يعيد.
فمثلا لو كنت خارجا بلباس ضيق فصليت العصر، فالصلاة صحيحة رغم الكراهة، فإذا استطعت تغيير الثياب قبل دخول وقت المغرب، استحب أن تعيد العصر بثوب واسع.

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When members (male and female) of muslim organizations at university or else meet up to discuss and plan future events, is this even permissible?

It may be permissible depending on the people involved and the environment it's in. It's like asking about permissibility of juggling with fire sticks. It is your responsibility to not burn yourself or get someone else burned.
As for "Is this even permissible?",
That's what you say when you hear about a new double patty burger with a fried egg and beef bacon at your favourite restaurant.
Or when your friend tells you that you can exchange cheat sheets in the final exam.
Or snoring dark chocolate powder.
However, when asking a serious question about a religious ruling, try to be more formal, and don't impose a bias in the question.
Remember that your intention should be to find what God Almighty wants from you, so that you can do it.
Next time try to ask like this: what is the ruling..., or what do you say regarding...
Barakallahu feekum

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Different asker. U wrote: "then you will not see any goodness for the rest of life or hereafter". Does Allah only look at some sinners in that way that causes to never see goodness again? I mean, many believers have sinned in seclusion at some point & in some way. R we doomed even tho we repented?😢

If you repented, it's because He wanted you to.

رجاء لا تهمل سؤالي، السلام عليكم ،أنا بدرس لغات وترجمه فوريه إنجليزي . ونفسي جداً أستخدم اللغه لخدمة الدين . مش عارفه لسه أحدد عايزه إيه بالظبط! رأي حضرتك أمشي إزاي ؟ . وهل في مجال ترجمة فورية لمحاضرات دينيه زي محاضرات دكتور زاكر نايك ؟ أو أي داعيه أو متخصص مقارنة أديان ؟ ولو في،أسلك الطريق ده إزاي؟

Galaa Mohammed
وعليكم السلام،
لا أدري كيف السبيل
مجال الترجمة واسع جدا، شوفي ما يتيسر لحضرتك
Liked by: Galaa Mohammed

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142470729794?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android Can you mention where to find this hadis? Or it's Arabic version

Bukhari, book of testimonies
حدثناآدمحدثناشعبةحدثناأبو جمرةقال سمعتزهدم بن مضربقال سمعتعمران بن حصينرضي الله عنهما قالقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلمخيركم قرني ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهمقالعمرانلا أدري أذكر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد قرنين أو ثلاثة قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إن بعدكم قوما يخونون ولا يؤتمنون ويشهدون ولا يستشهدون وينذرون ولا يفون ويظهر فيهم السمن
Narrated Zahdam bin Mudrab: I heard Imran bin Husain saying, "The Prophet said, 'Thebestof mankind are my generation, then those coming after them, and then those coming after them.'" Imran said "I do not know whether the Prophet mentioned two or three generations after your present generation. The Prophet added, 'There will be some people after you, who will be dishonest and will not be trustworthy and will give witness without being asked to give witness, and will vow but will not fulfill their vows, and obesity will appear among them."

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حضرتك ليه بتجاوب انجليزى فى الغالب؟ حضرتك مش عربى؟

حضرتك الجواب في البايو.
Liked by: زيد

Asslamu-Alikom My ex-husband had been cheated on me, if I'm telling my pain and sorrow to a friend -mutual friend- and then I told that friend that he cheated on me; is it Ghibah?!

inshaAllah it won't be. Allah forgives the oppressed if they complain in a way that sounds like backbiting.

Sheikh i have a masturbation problem and I really struggle to stay clean for more than a week, the best I did was 25 days during Ramadan. What advice would you give me? I'm a young brother

See an addiction counsellor as soon as possible.

Hello sir, I've serious question, is it compulsory to invite none Muslim to Islam? I don't mean forces them to believe.If yes, and couldn't do it for some reason even tho I've the intention,still sinner? In the day of judgement will those people I met blame me for not inviting them😮!? I'm concerned

It's compulsory upon Muslims as a community to invite their neighbours, fellow residents, etc, to Islam.
If no one in the community does it, everyone will be at fault equally before God.

A proposal from a man who my dad and I have received great recommendations regarding Deen (Salah, akhlaq, etc.), but who doesn't have a stable job or income (although he is trying)... Also, he's switched career paths several times (lack of consistency, consequential thinking.?). Any words of wisdom?

If your family is concerned about stability of wealth, that's in the hands of Allah alone.

Please teach me the correct way to make tawassul thru the Prophet s.a.w. What i need to know is: 1. what is the exact phrase/s to be said? 2. What belief should we have when saying them to avoid shirk&bidah? 3. If i ask Allah to guide my mother, how do i add tawasul into this dua? Jazak Allah khayr

Open any manual of Fiqh, chapter: Hajj and Umrah, section: visiting the grave of the Prophet.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish

Asa Shaikh , I don’t usually ask those questions, but I’m really in need for an answer. please let me know if this person is trusted to get knowledge from or share his videos. https://www.facebook.com/MuftiALMaliki/

I don't know him, haven't heard him talk before, but he seems young.
Generally speaking, not many people in the history of the Ummah took the public role of fatwa before the age of 40. Those who are not qualified who rush to grab a title to themselves, usually end up imploding.
I am not rushing to pass judgement, and neither should you. Time will tell.
Meanwhile, take knowledge from trustworthy scholars.
Liked by: Aziz


Language: English