
Henry Manampiring

Ask @manampiring

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Everytime shit happens there's always that one person that goes "ini udah rencanaNya, pasti Dia punya rencana yang lebih indah." What do you think of this? Are all pure randomness of life planned? is there a 'reason behind this' for all things? or is it just life, with all the unexplainable shits?

When shit happened because of your own dumb mistake, don't blame it on God or shit. Learn from it and move on like a man.
When shit happened because shit happens, there is no reason behind it. It happens. So move on anyway.

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Om, cinta itu harus memiliki ga si?

Cinta itu hakekatnya adalah "memberi" (act of giving). Dan memberi ya memberi, tanpa harus ada balasannya.
Jadi jawabannya: cinta tidak harus memiliki. You can love for the sake of loving and that's it.
Tetapi kalo kita masuk ke "relationship", ya harus memiliki.

Aku gak nyaman om, tapi setiap aku mau mutusin hubungan, dia merengek kepadaku. Dan aku menjadi tidak tega karenanya.

Dia main tangan ke kamu dan kamu masih "gak tega"?
Relationship dipertahankan karena ada dasar keduanya merasa aman dan nyaman. Relationship yg dipertahankan karena "gak tega" itu gak sehat.
Apalagi kalo ada yg sudah main tangan.

Kemudian ketika aku melakukan kesalahn yg dianggap fatal sama dia, dia tak segan2 main tangan padaku. Apakah aku masih bisa berharap untuk meneruskan hubungan kami? Tolong jawab ya om. Trims.

Oke, main tangan itu udah "crossed the line". Personally gw gak terima cowok main tangan ke cewek, mau pacarnya kek, mau istrinya kek. Ini bisa gejala awal pelaku domestic violence.
You deserve better. For your own dignity, and safety.

Om, saya punya pacar yang suka marah dan mengadu kepada keluarga dan teman2ku kalau ada apa2. Sebagai contoh, kalau aku lg tidak bisa angkat telponnya (karena kerjaan), dia akan telpon berkali-kali dan kalau tetap tidak aku angkat, dia akan menelpon ke ibuku dan teman2 kerjaku. Aku harus bagaimana?

Gejala gak sehat. Terkesan kayak insecurity/paranoid. Kamu merasa nyaman emang dengan relationship seperti ini?

Seneng bgt waktu ompiring bilang the most underrated profession di Indonesia itu scientist di bidang biotech. Krn sebagai calon scientist yg lg major di biologi (dan mau fokus di biotech) masih banyak bgt orang yg gatau gelarnya dan kerja apa nantinya. Makasih ya om, mau percaya sama bidang ini:)

Please don't give it up. You are at the front line of human progress. Take courage and lead on!

Kak, what is your most memorable "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" moment?

2011, melihat video penganiayaan atas pemeluk Ahmadiyah, bahkan sudah mayat pun masih digebuki.
Saat itu gw bener2 stres gak ngerti kenapa manusia bisa menjadi begitu kejam terhadap sesamanya hanya karena perbedaan kepercayaan.
If the planet has more heartless people like these than the humane ones, I'd rather not be part of it. Itu yg kepikir di benak gw saat itu.
Dan mungkin masih.

Please mention several books that has been your favorite :D

Hi Aileen. I've read so many and love quite a few, so it is hard to name all my favorites. You can check my goodreads account at https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/373093-henry-manampiring
But if you ask me now, my favorite author is still Nicolas Nassim Taleb. Trained as mathematician and is a trader by profession, his books have philosophical and spiritual implication on me.
I also like Richard Dawkins' God Delusion, Selfish Gene, but especially Greatest Show on Earth.
Mary Roach's works made great intro into scientific pursuits in light and funny manner.
For fictions I'm a bit behind. I still love the works of Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Frederick Forsythe, Agatha Christie. Most recent favorite is still Girl With Dragon Tattoo trilogy.

sampai batas mana ya, om, orang harus berhenti? sampai batas mana orang harus puas dengan pencapaiannya biar ga dicap 'ambisius' dan 'gatau bersyukur'? kalo edison puas dengan lilin pasti dia ga nyiptain lampu. tapi kalo terlalu ambisius juga hidup kayanya kok serakah bgt. jadi, batasnya apa ya om?

We can actually have both indefinitely. The trick is to put "ambisius" and "bersyukur" in turns. Ambisius - bersyukur - ambisius lagi - bersyukur lagi. Dst.
The problem is when someone is being ambitious without pausing for being grateful. Jadi hanya ambisius - ambisius - ambisius, dst. Tanpa henti sejenak. Resiko serangan jantung nambah.

you know, well you may not know, but your generous advices give a greater impact to some of us. i've never imagined that i would received a very wise advice from someone i've even never met. thankyou om!

I just had a long day at work and your comment made it a little lighter. Thank you. It feels good to know I have helped others in anyway :)

Do you believe that everyone who doesn’t believe in you religion is going to hell ?

No. But people who say other believers go to hell are the ones who do. And the hell is right here, right now, on earth. Their hatred and prejudice are their own hell. No need to wait for the after-life.
Because those who love other human beings indiscriminately, not condemning others to "hell", are free. And their heaven is right here, right now.

Om, I study in English Education major and It's hard to speak English in front of class and I hate to make a mistake because when I make it, everyone starts to underestimate me and I don't want it. So, do you have some advice for me?

Your MAIN objective at college is to LEARN, not to gain "respect" or "cool" status. If you don't practice, make mistakes along the way, how would you learn?
If you don't practice and make mistakes NOW, you will make them later at work. And people at work are meaner and crueler than classmates. Not only they will underestimate you, they can FIRE you.
Go up there, speak, make mistakes, get laughed at, but by God, LEARN. To hell with classmates. Your revenge comes later when you are good at professional life.

Do you have some traumatic memories? What did you do in order to erase it?

Prisya Ramadhani
I can't recall a VERY traumatic memory - although a few pics posted by @gandrasta came very near....
Nevertheless, I once read a much-studied approach to deal with traumatic memory, that is: WRITE ABOUT IT. You don't have to publish it - just for you to keep.
Write about the traumatic event, and try to give it meaning. Why do you think it happened? What do you learn from the event? What can you tell others so they also learn from your experience?
Some links:

Om, aku mahasiswa semester 5 nih. Kalau orang-orang bahas ASEAN COMMUNITY 2015 aku takut banget. Karena 2016 adalah tahunku lulus. Do you have any advice that can makes me at least...lil bit calm? :")

Only 2 tips:
(1) LEARN & PRACTICE ENGLISH LIKE CRAZY. Read books, magazines, internet in English. Speak English. Write English. Take English course with native speaker.
(2) PRACTICE PUBLIC SPEAKING LIKE CRAZY. Volunteer to present to class at all times. Talk in front of people. Don't worry about embarassing yourself.
After years working in multinationals, here's a secret. The expats are no smarter than us. They are just more confident and command excellent English. That's all.
Good luck!

saya jg om! fans berat om nih.. awalnya liat tweet tante sarseh yg bilang harus follow om,soalnya om lucuu.. ternyata om orangnya ga cm lucu,tp pinter... enak bgt yah pny papa kaya om.. eh, tp papa saya ttp yg terbaik sih :)

Ermana S Dini
Saya sedih menyaksikan pergeseran dari om2zone menuju papazone...
Yo wis aku rapopo...
Thanks anyway!
Liked by: A Medusa

anyway om i'm an 18 years old teenage girl who has never dated anyone. i had been going to a homogen high school but i'm starting a new uni life this year. do u have any suggestion for me since aku sering bgt diledekin krn ga prnh punya pacar, super insecure but what do u think should i do?

I went to homogen school too and only got girlfriend at the first year of uni.
Screw with what other people say.
There is more to life than just pacar. Here's a suggestion: take up sport, hobby, make meaningful friendship, learn martial arts. Live an active life.
It will make uni life more exciting. And as a bonus: increase your probability of meeting boys.
Now enjoy your uni years! They were the best time of my life :)

OH EM... OKAY!!!! Ini sih sekaligus ngejawab pertanyaan 'gimana nanganin gebetan yg tarik ulur' jd tinggalin aja ya om:D..

IYAH! Cowok yg gak jelas mah ke laut aja!
Liked by: Tia goodmorning

Remember the transporters in Star Trek? What if transporters really existed and the way they worked was that your current body was destroyed while at the same time an exact copy of your body, with the exact same brain and thoughts, was created at your destination? Would you be willing to use one?

Assuming I retain exact thoughts, consciousness, and memories? Hell yeah! Better than going through Thamrin-Sudirman-Kuningan traffic everyday!
My existence lies in the thoughts, consciousness, and memories contained in a familiar body. Happy to keep that, whatever the process.

Which one do you prefer, a kiss on the cheek, neck, ear, forehead or lips? And why?

Am I the kisser or the kissee?
As a kisser, I like forehead.
As a kissee, I like hot passionate one on the lips, like I was about to board a space shuttle to blow up some incoming asteroid bound to annihilate all mankind.

Pernahkah kamu salah disangka perempuan, be it in real life or in the net? Jika iya (atau kalaupun tidak, seandainya kamu disangka perempuan), akan seperti apa tanggapanmu? . Wish you have a great & pleasant Sunday.

Gak pernah. Kalo dikira gay sering banget.
Liked by: D. andwij

I am 22, currently and happily dating someone who's 44. He's way older but I enjoy talking to him since that we can share so many things. Malah di beberapa hal kayaknya tuaan gw deh. Gw yg suka nntn film2 hitam putih dia malah gatau apa2 (bahkan dia gatau siapa Audrey Hepburn), dia malah suka party

Love and attraction. It's only yours to define. Wish you long and fulfilling relationship! :)

girls who like om om, do you think they compensate for the absence of good mature man in their life (read: father). Seems like there's an emerging trend of girls with om-om crush.

I wouldn't know the real answer, really.
Girls falling for much older men is not a new phenomenon, I think. You are right, partly it's the "father" figure thing. Or partly it's the maturity and wisdom that comes with age. There is also financial stability thing.
Is there emerging trend? Not sure. Perhaps social media makes it easier for people to encounter others of different age groups. Maybe.

If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work?

I can answer this very confidently: YES. ABSOLUTELY.
Men need to work to feel useful and purposeful, regardless we don't need to for the money.
But with that much money, I can *choose* what KIND of work that will be most fulfilling. :)

What do you think is one of the most undervalued professions right now?

In Indonesia, scientists. Especially biotech.
We have many exotic plants with possible medical miracles that need to be discovered. I'd rather we Indonesians patent them ourselves.

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

I would say "basically good", for a simple reason.
Our species cannot have evolved into social animal if individually we were always inclined to hurt each other. By being "basically good", Homo Sapiens thrives through cooperation and social network.
Having said that, douchebags still exist everywhere. And each of us harbors dark urges which we suppress most of the time.


Language: English