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Are you looking forward to Valentine's Day? Or can you not stand that holiday? Is there anything special that you want for Valentine's Day? Maybe post a picture? ❤

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
Nope I’m not looking forward to it, i haven’t liked that for many yrs now honestly and if there was something special I wanted for it I surely won’t get it that’s for sure
Liked by: sahrihall2

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What is the worst thing you’ve done to somebody?

Grace_Elias’s Profile Photoنـعـمـة
Ummm ya my past is a tough pill to swallow at times and honestly I hate it, worst thing I’ve done I’ve hospitalized someone for a little while you can say a long time ago
Liked by: نـعـمـة

What’s your favorite movie of all time? What do you like about it?

Grace_Elias’s Profile Photoنـعـمـة
I don’t really have a favourite movie overall, I like a lot movies though, but the top ones I would have to say would be the Death of Superman and Flashpoint, what else can I say it’s the death of superman, the other flash changes his past and learns what can happen from altering his past
Liked by: نـعـمـة

Is being unsociable bad? Why/Why not?

Grace_Elias’s Profile Photoنـعـمـة
No I wouldn’t think it isn’t a bad thing overall to be unsociable. Some people just don’t deal well in public settings at all, take me for instance, when I was in school all my life all I ever did was go to school, do my homework/study, read in the library when I could or more homework and go home that’s all I ever did, I never did have many friends at all, not that I didn’t want them it’s cause I didn’t want them I just didn’t find it necessary at that point in time (ya I was a huge nerd) so is that a bad thing?? Even these days same could be said for someone that doesn’t want to be bothered he/she just wants to do their own thing and go on their merry way, who knows right, right. In the end just comes down personal preference on what you want and like really some like groups some like being alone, you have wins where you get them a win is a win no matter how you look at it 🌹😄

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How to deal with aggressive people?

For me how to deal with aggressive people?? Basically just turn all facts/tactics they have against them, use your brain against theirs since they won’t be thinking as clearly as you will be doing I would have to say, if that doesn’t work then I guess walk away from it all

Trust me I have tried putting my foot down with her so many times before and well she likes to speak for other people by sticking her nose into there business 🙏🏻

💕this best friend of mine is obessed with dylaan and Sara and well she talks about them out in public are at the mall
Well just tell her you don’t want to speak about them and it’s none of your business plain and simple that’s that and walk away kind of deal as far as those two go, as for other peeps business well it’s going to bite her in the ass one day that for sure I bet but just walk away and say it’s not your concern it’s their problem not yours just leave it
+5 answers in: “❤️ yeah anyways What should I do when one of my friends keep on running to me thinking that I can help her with all of this ❤️”

❤️believe me I have tried that with her and she will keep on bugging me until answer her questions

Just be as persistent as her then, put your foot down with her as hard as it may seem at the time it will get better and easier for you in the long run I’m sure. Just have have to do it constantly and consistently say what’s on your mind is all and that’s all sooner or later it’ll finally sink in I’m sure
+5 answers in: “❤️ yeah anyways What should I do when one of my friends keep on running to me thinking that I can help her with all of this ❤️”

🌹well my friend I think she should keep that to herself instead of coming to me

Ya well some friends think that some people can solve all their problems if someone helps them every time or anytime they want it solved, so best bet is to say I can’t help you I don’t have anything around to help with that particular problem
+5 answers in: “❤️ yeah anyways What should I do when one of my friends keep on running to me thinking that I can help her with all of this ❤️”

If you somehow meet your ex , how would you treat to that?????

If I was to meet my ex??? 😂 good one there be a might improbable to happen there I would have to say that’s for sure. Ok well let’s say I met another ex IF I remembered her that is I would treat her like any of my other friends and I don’t see why I shouldn’t treat her with the the same respect as I do as any other stranger on the street I meet day to day


Language: English