
148 people

21 posts


What’s your favourite sport?

Dianabikbik’s Profile PhotoSweetDianne
@Dianabikbik 🌻 Hi Diana, my favorite sports are swimming, camping, mountaineering, hiking, archeology 👍
📺️ 🎦
Cine 💎 Largometraje 💎 Parte 4

Batman 1 Gotham (1989)

Batman 2 Returns (1992)

Batman 3 Forever (1995)

Batman 4 Robin (1997)

Batman 5 Begins (2005)

Batman 6 Dark Knight (2008)

Batman 7 Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Batman vs Superman (2016)

Battleship (2012)

Beethoven (2006)

Beetlejuice (1988)

Beginners (2011)

Bella y la Bestia (2017)

Ben 10 Alien Swarm (2009)

Bendita ignorancia (2018)

Beso de Pantera (1982)

Bestias del sur salvaje (2012)

Biblioteca de Libros Rechazados (2019)

Bienvenida a Montparnasse (2018)

Bienvenidas a Brasil (2018)

Big Eyes (2014)

Big Fish (2003)

Billy Elliot (2000)

Birdman (2014)

Blackwood (2018)

Blade (1998)

Blade Runner (1982)

Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

Blancanieves y el Cazador (2012)

Blue Jasmine (2013)

Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)

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Whats your favourite sport

Do we fall in love one day?

We fall when we overlook the hurdles in the path, when we fail to notice the obstacles lying in the way.
Falling is when you loose control or balance and move down from a Higher place to a LOWER position without knowing the consequences.
You fall when you trip, you fall when you slip, it's an act of collapsing.

It's true, you can plan to jump down or jump off a cliff but falling is something totally unplanned.
I can't say we "FALL" in love just because it is unplanned.
Love is being careful, being responsible, being vigilant, it's like Mountaineering Peaks, it's like climbing the trees, we rise in Love!

What got you into climbing? how did you start?

As a kid, I grew up backpacking, camping, skiing, mountaineering climbing..the whole lot. Climbing probably grew from my love of heights and climbing on top of things. I’ve always felt most alive during really bad thunderstorms and severe weather, or balancing on a knife edge ridge. I get the same feeling when I’m running out climbs with high fall potential.

دعوة للجنون: - يا تُرى ما هي الأشياء الجنونية التي تحلم يومًا ما القيام بها، وهل برفقة أحد ما، ومن يكون؟

Hamadayones’s Profile Photoحمادة
نفسي اوي اجرب الـ Parachuting و نبقا تيم كدا م اكتر ناس بحبها🙈🖤
او بردو نعمل تيم و نروح نجرب الـ skate ❄
او اللي هو bungee jumping م الحاجات اللي همووت و اجربها بردو🙊🖤
و نفسي اطلع camp و نلف ف الغابة نكتشفها و يبقا في Mountaineering بردو ..
م الآخر نفسي أعيش أي Adventure مجنونة تكون خارجه عن نطاق الواقع.!🖤

Ya I know, but you can tell your parents if you want to spend summer in Indian cities like shimla, manali or laddakh. It snows there. My friend went for mountaineering trip

TwistOfNight’s Profile PhotoStar
Omg that sounds fun *•*
Liked by: Star

Why do you think Hillary will sell the country and its people out? She said she wants to help people.

Actually, Hillary is known to lie, all of her decisions are based on electoral means, meaning she will say or do anything to get the vote, in 2004 she spoke on the floor against gay marriage, in 2008 she was still against it, of course Americans where 39% in favour of gay marriage then, fast forward to March 2013, Hillary changed her mind against gay marriage because Americans where 53% in favour of it.
She attacked Barack Obama for the Universal health care, claiming that Republicans are wrong for attacking Democrates on health care, you will never see Democrates attacking each other over it, oh but wait, she attacked Bernie Sanders over his healthcare plan to expand to cover every American but Hilliary and the media have spun it to "Bernie Sanders wants to dispel and tear down the health system", I'm sure it's got nothing to do with the fact that it will cost firms money, firms that are supporting Hillary in hoping she will prevent them losing said money, who cares about Americans right? When it's all about the money?
She even said that she supported Universal Health Care system in 93 & 94, and asked "where was Bernie Sanders when I was taking on insurance companies and drug companies?"
Well Hillary, he was standing right behind you when you made your speech about it, he was one of the people funding, backing and supporting you back in 93 & 94, I guess you forgot that.
The bankruptcy bill is a very interesting one, a bill that was designed to force companies to keep pumping money into other companies to prevent them going bankrupt and costing people jobs, as well as prevent families becoming poor and forced onto the streets, Bill Clinton as president Vetoed that bill but in her autobiography, Hillary took credit for making him veto it.
When Hillary became senator the first bill that came up was The bankruptcy bill, and she voted for it and changed it, now the bill is a Vampire, most of the money Washington has made isn't from pharmaceuticals or oil, it's consumer products, and customer debt, she is draining people's wallets and bank savings so her handlers and backers such as Goldman Sachs get richer, if there is money to be made, Hillary will be there.
She doesn't care about people only the government and her handlers.
Hillary Clinton often claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary who, along with a local guide, was the first man to ascend to the peak of Mount Everest...oh wait, Clinton was born in 1947 while Edmund Hillary only became famous for his mountaineering feat in 1953.
Well, how about Clinton claimed that during a 1996 visit to Bosnia she and her party were obliged to run with their heads down from the plane at an air field to avoid sniper fire....oh wait, According to CNN, when confronted by video footage of her and her party were actually walking calmly from the plane..
Don't believe Hillary, she only wants your vote because she has a Vagina.

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"I was loved for who I am; I missed the opportunity to be a better man." Do you think that by having people accept us for who we are, we are somehow limiting our chances of self-improvement? (sent to all followed)

KeaneAddict’s Profile PhotoProblématique
I think self improvement is like mountaineering to infinity. I think, Even if someone like for what we are doesn't make us to stop improving ourselves. I can some up in these words.
Try to be better than yourself!!
Liked by: Problématique

Baseboard Management Controller Bone Mineral Content British Motor Corporation Bulk Molding Compound British Mountaineering Council Beaver Movie Channel Basic Minimum Capital Bicycle Manufacturing Company Bulk Mail Center

شسمو صليت الفجر ؟؟
انو قصدي Big MaC Chiken هع هع هع هع :p

Naaad apa kabar? Masih inget aku gak? Keren banget kamu nad, salut plus admire loh sama kamu, bener-bener potret cewek tangguh! Aku suka liatin updateanmu, both about travelling and mountaineering haha. Semoga sehat & sukses terus ya Nad, lots support from here! 😁

Inget banget lah :') baik nih, kamu apakabar?! Huuu makasih banget :" amin-amin. You too, Karin! Semoga bisa ketemuan lagi yaa sama anak-anak Al-Azhar yang lain 😊

kak, kan biasa ya pada ngatain jongin item, tp sbenernya kak ay sendiri lebih suka cowo yang kulitnya kek gimana sih???? kenapa aku penasaran pake banget?????

I like light skinned man like how Caucasians are. Most of male models that i like ; RJ King, Simone Nobili, Simon Nessman. Alex Cunha, Leebo Freeman, Sebastuan Seuve, and Ivan Olita, are Caucasians. They're appealing. I also like some mixed Caucasians - Asian/ Hispanic Mediterranean skin like how i like Francisco Lachowski or Sen Mitsuji.
But i do LOVE dark skinned men. I found that exotic and most importantly that what makes man, a man. Well itu cuman stereotype gue aja bahwa laki yang putih itu gak laki. Cowo yang lakik banget itu harus item ato nggak tanned gitu loh. Makanya gue irl suka sama cowo yang secara fisik gelap kulitnya, that's why there is an RCTI term (Ramping Cakep Tinggi Item) buat gue. Marlon Teixeira sama Kim Jongin, dark skinned boys that i love sooooo much. Kaya urgh i want to touch your skin so bad! Apalagi yang glowing gitu (bukan pake tan oil ato busik) karena ngerawat kulitnya. Kenapa gue suka cowo item juga karena kulit gue item. Gampang banget nyerap sinar matahari, since gue orangnya outdoor jadi kulit gue Item. Tanya Haruka, gue pulang mountaineering seitem apa sampe gue harus maskeran dan beli citra pearl white. Ya tengsin aja sih kalo cowo gue putih. Sejauh ini cowo irl yang gue keceng cuman ada 2 yang putih, sisanya (sisanua berapa ay??) item semua.
Tapi, gue gak liat cowo dari fisiknya aja supaya "suka banget" sama dia. I see how they act. Makanya ada lanjutan dari RCTI tadi yaitu HSBC (humoris, santun, berkecukupan, cerdas). Yep, sums up my type: RCTI HSBC. Tapi kok kebetulah gue nemu semua ya di Jongin... Maybe that's the reason that i like him that much. Asu kamu, apalagi kalo udah bare face, bopung, boy next door style.
Asu kamu gula jawa ♡

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ga malu nan liat temen temen lo pada jalan jalan ke luar negeri, ya minimal south east asia laah. Bosen liat lo ke gunung mulu wkwk

yhaa gimana dong duitnya masih dompleng bapak. lebih malu jadi cowo gapunya penghasilan dari pada ngebanggain duit orang tua. Lagi pula mountaineering bukan jalanjalan, tapi ngasah diri. trims

Apaan aja manfaatnya? *Ngga kebayang banget deh bawa tas gede, udah gitu harus sampe puncak kan, jauh bgtttt

Mulai dari fisik sampai ke mental, semua bisa dirasain kok.
Fisik, contohnya, olahraga mountaineering melatih kekuatan otot di seluruh tubuh, dari kepala sampai kaki, semuanya gerak. Simplenya, kepala dipake buat orientasi, tangan buat bantu ndaki (pegangan sama pohon), badan (pundak-punggung-pinggang) buat nopang beban di carrier, paha-betis-kaki buat jalan. Semua ini bergerak ga cuma pas ndaki aja, selama persiapannya juga; ada yg namanya muscles strength.
Ga hanya itu, fisiografis hutan berfungsi buat bersihin paru-paru, apalagi buat org yg tinggal lama di jantung kota -__- iiwwwhh ga kebayang itu asep semua isinya. Soal nutrisi jg, siapa bilang org naik gunung cm bisa makan mie instant? Krn mountaineering trmsk olahraga berat, nutrisi yg dibutuhkan justru 5 SEHAT 6 SEMPURNA! Makan enak sehari-hari mah biasa, tp MAKAN SEHAT lengkap dgn vitamin, serat, karbohidrat, dll yg lgsg dijalankan berbarengan dgn olahraga kyknya ada di olahraga naik gunung, ga heran olahraga ini bagi sebagian orang dijadikan pola hidup, krn emang beneran segitu bermanfaatnya.
Mental, bagi saya pribadi mountaineering bermanfaat dalam hal 'respect', ga cuma self-respect aja, tapi juga respek ke nonliving-being. Naik gunung adlh salah satu cara utk memanfaatkan alam. Dgn memahami teknik pendakian dgn baik (mulai dari persiapan perjalanan s.d. pasca perjalanan) diharapkan timbul keamanan dan kenyamanan, baik bagi si pendaki maupun bagi alam itu sendiri. Untuk paham teknik mendaki, perlu disiplin diri (consistency) dan waktu (stability). Mental kyk gini penting sih mnrt saya buat pengembangan diri. Makin sering naik gunung, mental makin berkembang :)
Masalah puncak, bagi sebagian org puncak itu target. Tp itu pilihan sih (mnrt saya), target saya jalan-jalan selooo~ creating moments~ muncak ayooo, ga muncak ya syeloooo~

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If you're ever to make a bucket list, name at least 5 items which would appear. In the order of its importance.

Jeez. This is tough.
(1) Do a Kerouac styled write-a-thon, with lots of weed, perhaps some hallucinogens, and a typewriter.
(2) Climbing. Gasherbrum one clear-skied May, mid-April mountaineering in Norway to view the Northern Lights, K2 in the depths of winter. Also, paragliding from the summit of Matterhorn. Yes, I'm ambitious.
(3) Spend at least year [perhaps more] leading a Walden-like life in a forgotten part of the lesser Himalayas. With my own Lynx.
(4) Complete the Isle of Man TT course at 300 kmph. *grins*
(5) Learn how to perform the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata and Bach's Partita #2, on the piano.
I haven't really thought this out, but yes, off the top of my head.

Name:_______ Age:_______ Birthday:________ Eye color:________ Nickname:_________Best friend:__________ Favorite Color:_______ Hair Color________ Hobby__________Fav.Song _______single __________ where do YOu Live nOw________ Then FoLLow Me_________ ?? <3

AyMaOus’s Profile PhotoAymaous
2/ 16
3/ 20*2*1997
4/ Light Brown
5/ LaYoN
6/ Reem and Rabab
7/ Yellow and Blue
8/ Light Brown too
9/ volleyball * reading * mountaineering
10/ ashtrays and hart breaks for Miley Cyrus
11/ Single :*
12/ Palestine * Hebron
13/ i'll follow :*

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