
شاه أحمد شَهِيْر۔

Ask @w3_Shaheer

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I think im bipolar. Please delete those answers. They remind me of my weakness. I really am so extra. And dumb. Youre funny. Ive never consumed red bull tho.

Okays ._.

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Is He testing me again. Why do I feel? Should I stop feeling? Will the pain recede then?

Allah? If you're being tested you're lucky!

Ive been trying since I woke up. It takes courage to stand up for others. Even more, to stand up for yourself. I dont have that.

Yayy! I have that but I can't transfer that in you! You gotta help yourself! It's you against you! And I always say no one is going to help you, you're always alone and there are really few people who even care so you better put yourself together, it's not that hard, I know because I've been there.

Because u agreed to help me and answered me even thou I didn't want to untick

Lol I know pain of all kinds even the one when you want help and no one helps you, being left all alone and secondly I helped you so you can help yourself and at some point if you can you may help this country and thirdly I helped you because that's what humans should do, and because I will be happy to see anyone achieve their dreams I know how broken dreams feel and lastly and most importantly I'm a human who helps others in hope that Allah will help me, lol yeah I'm a greedy, selfish human. I want return but from Almighty Allah!

Haha ok I agree that know A LOT😊😂

Not really but alhumdulillah for what I know 😅 well yeah sometimes it's too much, iykwim, tho' I know you don't know what I mean, it's a joke that stays with me.
Liked by: pk Rubabae

Thats just because i want to prove myself...haha thats interesting I'll do that 😄

It's not from me tho' it's written in that book by Napoleon Hill"think and grow rich"
ps. That book doesn't really teach you how to get rich it teaches how you can achieve the unachievable.
Liked by: Talha Zafar

Honestly I have faced big failures in life thats why I am going for this..plus how much will it require to learn all this I have basic knowledge about everything but not in depth

I completed this course in one day but of course I already knew basics of AdWords and I knew how affiliate marketing work. I can't say how much you'll have to put in.. if you need help you know where to find me, I will be happy to help you out in case you get stuck, tho' I hope that doesn't happen. If you've changed your field in past I would suggest you to stick to marketing now put in some effort after all as they say every master was once a student.
I've two questions if you can answer, are you a boy or a girl(boys usually have ego so they don't ask for help) your age?

Haha I hope bn jaon😊 sure thing😄

If you can stand failures you will, it's all about never giving up. I failed so many time but that's what helped me get better, I learned more from failures than I could ever learn from success.

Sorry, I'm laughing at the sequence of answers and I don't know how I'm going to explain what it was not me and what it was yes me😅😀 #SufferingFromAnonymous

untick 🌹 I know I'm getting questions from three different people


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