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How do you spend the majority of your free time?

Maybe recovering or taking a nap. I really don’t know. It’s not that specific.

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يعني كانت هادية ولا لا كنت بتهتم بايه ايه الي كنت بتعمله والي بتبعد عنه كده يعني

كفكره عامة سريعا .. طفولتي كانت هادية وقائمة اساسا في التربية علي التقاليد القديمة مش زي اليومين دول. مثلا اهم شيء كان اني اختم القران في الطفولة. وحفظت نصه وبحاول اكمل الباقي الاجازة دي. كل ده من مبدأ ان حفظة القران في الاسرة او العيلة عندنا ككل بيبقوا مقدسين كده .. او غير قابلين للمساس يعني. الشيء التاني زي ماقولت انا متربي علي التقاليد القديمة. يعني السوشيال ميديا بالنسبالي وغيره شيء تافه اكتر منه غريب يعني. وفي نفس الوقت الاحتكاك بالناس والبنات بالأخص كان ضعيف يعني. مش بنقول غلط او حرام .. بس بالنسبالي انا شيء مكروه يعني ده من الصغر. الشيء التالت كان الهدوء يعني تبعد عن المشاكل سواء في المدرسة او النادي او ماشابه. كل ماتبعد عن الناس كل ماتبقي فرص حياتك احسن. اعتقد هي دي النقاط الرئيسية يعني بحد زاكرتي
Liked by: Yousef Elamir

ممكن تكلمني عن طفولتك ياحارس؟

عايز تعرف ايه عنها بالضبط .. او بالاحري يعني اكلمك عنها من حيث ايه؟

In your last answer you said you’re sorry because you ignored the girl’s question?

A) I don’t know who’s asking and I don’t put it in my mind at all.
B) It’s the way I talk .. I don’t consider it a praise or respect.
C) -If- she were a woman, what would I do to you? I’m not a man of explanations. Get it as you want I don’t care.
D) -Most importantly- Calma and mind your own business. It’s not kind of you .. You have to do so.

Why you disappear just like that and stop the discussion ignoring my questions?!

I’m sorry, but I really don’t have much time for that right now neither do I have it later. So when I have some space we’ll continue. I’m really busy right now. Adioَs.

If it's not critical, how could we avoid such problems?

I think people should appreciate self-esteem. The lower the ego, the higher the self-esteem. People with great self-esteem don't really need to interfere in other's affairs. Excluding therapists, 'talking heals". It needs a little practice. Such people should talk to the others and be surrounded by their beloveds. But the main point is accepting yourself as yourself with your strengths and flaws not denying the flaws. Discussing these flaws with your close people not everyone else because people hurt these days .. they would never want you to be a better person for sure. The higher you talk, the more self-exploration you'll get. Providing that you're talking honestly for sure.

Going to a therapist is such an exaggeration, isn't it? I thought it's for the retarded?

If they lose some people because of their arguments, maybe they should. Psychotherapy may greatly help in what concerning communication and self-exploration. Lots of people go to therapists complaining about their flaws and how to improve them. For people who care about their relationships and such. Some people may go on some Prozac because of these social issues indeed. I mean arrogant people may lose their close ones. Such a loss may lead to depression for some who go to therapists. I mean if the situation is critical, they may face some serious problems in their life, future goals and such. I don't think it's considered an exaggeration.

And how could we exclude arrogant people?

For me, I really can't tell. But egotistical people -most of them- don't believe in themselves. As I mentioned before .. they don't accept the fact that they may be wrong sometimes. So we can say they're always critical and ironic. In fact commanding characters sometimes have a big ego, but I think their grandiose "self" is much smaller than people we're talking about. The nature of their work obligates them to lower their arguments with people such as Marshals and military characters. Talking about our arrogant people, I hate talkative people. Sometimes but not always they're arrogant.

What do you think about the solution?

As concerning communication, It's very difficult to win an argument with egotistical people. They always find some ways out. Ending up they're always right or they're always above the others. To solve this psychological issue, they should improve their own self-esteem. I mean everybody has strengths and flaws .. this makes us humans. Improving the self-image is so important. If the situation is so critical, maybe they should see a therapist.

What's the difference in your answer?

Some people have a big ego. They've an inflated fake self-image of themselves. I mean if you really believe in yourself and focus on improving it, I think you won't have enough time for tracking the others. Some people believe it's some kind of advice, but I think it's not indeed. I mean you should differentiate between your ego and your self-esteem.

Why do so many people judge the others?

Some people don't believe in themselves. More likely they've a big ego. Instead of minding your own business, you come out and judge the others. I think it's the most acceptable reason so far. But sure there's a lot of other reasons for such phenomenon.

هو عمرو وردة هيلعب فين بعد خروجه من البطولة والفضيحة بتاعته دي؟

هيلعب في البستان ياصاحبي.

انت اخر كام سنة كده مش علي بعضك ومتضايق بجد مش عارفه ليه

هو فعلا اخر سنتين كانوا بضان معايا بصراحة .. مش من احسن فترات حياتي يعني. معتقدش ان الأسباب مشاركة معاكي برضو مش من حقك تعرفيها يعني.

فكرت تحول برا قنا؟

كتير .. بس معتقدش يعني فيه امل. لانها بلد بنت وسخة وناس بنت وسخة بتوع حوارات ميستاهلوش احترام او أدب. واقفل علي سيرة قنا دي معايا.

انت ليه علطول مكشر ومتضايق كده

السؤال ده اتسألته سبعين مرة والله ومش عارف تقصدوا ايه من تكراره. طيب .. نفترض انا متضايق فعلا انت ايه الي مخليك تستفسر بالشكل المُلِّح ده. ماهو مصر كلها متضايقين وبؤس يعني جات عليا انا ليه؟ D:

هو اشمعنا الطبقة المتوسطة تخنق

هو طالما انت بتتعامل مع مصريين فالوضع زبالة يعني بصفة عامة. حالة البلد تفرض علي البشر الوضع العام الي انت شايفه ده.

من وجهة نظرك ايه انضف طبقة ممكن تتعامل معاها ف مصر

والله انا كحارس يعني من ضمن الطبقة المتوسطة. وطبقة تخنق بصراحة .. مجربتش الأغنيا ازاي تتعامل معاهم. طبقة الفقر معتقدش حد يحب يبقي منهم -No offense-. بس بصراحة يعني الطبقة العادية الي زيينا دي هي الي مدية الشعب ده قيمة يعني من وجهة نظري.

يعني الكلية كويسة معاك ولا لا

انا كنت بتعثر اول سنتين بصراحة يعني .. النظام في قنا كان صعب ومكنتش عارف اتكيف الحقيقة معاه يعني. هو عشان تغيير النظام في تالتة -ممكن- هيبقي فيه تغيير انا عن نفسي اتطلع لكده يعني. لكن السنتين الي فاتوا دول كانوا صعبين حبتين معايا يعني الحقيقة.

ايه اخبار الكلية معاك؟

ياعم ده موسم اجازات عايز تعكنن عليا ليه بس؟ D:

حالتك النفسية شكلك متضايق 😂😂

ايه يابني بس النباهة دي؟ D:


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