@M1ssSemy#5 🇱🇻

Star. i

Vai vīrietim attiecībās jāpelna tik pat daudz vai vairāk kā sievietei?

Vairāk. Vīrieši dara daudz riebīgākus darbus kā sievietes. Fiziski riebīgus.

Latest answers from Star. i

Between money and fame, which would you choose? 💰 ⭐ 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ₜₑₙₐcᵢₒᵤₛ ₜₒₘₘₐy™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Money. I'd rather have money and no fame since fame brings the creeps, paparazzi on every corner, you're under the microscope, and so many other bad things.
Whereas the actual good people aren't reported about. Like you can make donations and remain anonymous, it's better than being on some shi.tty magazine covers with every single thing you do.

What's the best / worst thing about what you do? Like your job, what you study etc. 💼📚

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Best thing is that I'm getting paid for maternity leave for more than a year, and I don't need to work.
Best thing, when I'll need to go back to work, I'll just resign.
Worst, I absolutely hate the person who manages the place. I got a text message to urgently call them, but I don't want to.
My colleague constantly complains about how bad things are in there ever since I left for my leave, and it sounds like a horrible place to return to. I work for the government and I don't owe anything to the people who also work for the government, they're not my boss, my country is my boss.

The best app for chatting is....

I use whatsapp for talking to my closest people, telegram for our group chat.
The best app for chatting is

If you're someone who either drive or take public transport, what conditions would have to be met for you to consider biking to your destination instead? 🚴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I go only by the car. I don't drive because I'm a woman, lol 😃
*Good enough weather. If it rains or cold wind runs into my face, no!
*Beautiful scenery, I love looking around when riding the bike, electro scooter, etc.
* not too hot, avoiding red face and sweat everywhere!
If I had a bike again, I'd just ride it without any purpose. Like I'd just enjoy riding around like I did before. I'm not interested in going to appointments, shops, etc. And having a heavy backpack with me at all times. I also have very expensive lock system which we got for our electroscooters. This bike/electro scooter lock is very, very heavy 😂
If youre someone who either drive or take public transport what conditions would

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Do you have anything planned for your mother/wife/grandmother/aunt?

JosefinaAloisi’s Profile PhotoJosie
No, because I don't have parents.
My hb has a mother, so we have to congratulate her, though.
Nothing planned, just going to work in the garden, I guess 🤭

Have you made your sunscreen debut? If not, when do you usually? ☀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I've been freezing in the house, there's no sun and 10°C outside!
What sunscreen? 😆 this week has been the worst! 😪

Any Free Tip ?

Athar_Lati’s Profile PhotoAthar Lati
Never, ever get cats! They're the worst home pest. And outdoor pest.
Anyway, kittys going to the new owners tomorrow. 🙂
Any Free Tip

Do you eat your meals in front of the television? 🍕 📺 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ₜₑₙₐcᵢₒᵤₛ ₜₒₘₘₐy™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I eat in front of the TV, I eat in the bed. I'm not a child, and I can clean after myself if something happens.
It's a common thing in my country because we don't have spaceous kitchens or specifically designed dining rooms like you'd see in american movies.
I'm currently trying to organise things in my mind and planning ahead. Once we get a new family member, I'll have to reorganise furniture and teach them how to eat at the table.
Nevertheless, the TV will still be on and running in the background once the time comes when I'll have a special dining table. I do have it, but my aquarium is sitting on it and I want to get a smaller table, better looking one. 😁😁

If you were a witch, what kinds of spells do you think you'd use in your everyday life? 🧙‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'd definitely use some that would involve cleaning the house. My rabbits are pigs and leave mess everywhere they go. I had to sweep the rug today because someone decided to chew poop on it. (Rabbit poop is actually clean and doesn't smell). Just a note that not everyone knows! You can safely touch it. It's not disgusting. 😄 however, sometimes they decide to poop outside the litterbox, and I'd love to see it fly to the litterbox! 😳
Like you'd come into my house and see the vacuum doing vacuum things and the sponges washing the furniture and the brooms sweeping.
And in the next room, the laundry folding itself and moving to the closet. 😃

What do you typically like doing on flights to pass the time? ✈️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I don't typically fly! The longest flight was from LV to DK and from DK to LV, and I've not gone to another country by plane. I'm terrified of flying, and I'd rather stick with vehicles that are the closest to planet Earth. 😃
Hence, I don't really do anything on planes. I think the flight was like one hour and some minutes long.
What do you typically like doing on flights to pass the time

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