
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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no problem!!xx and if you knew who i was you probably be annoyed cuz i feel like i annoy you!!xx

oh ffs, just tell me xx

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I hate thinking that you have an illness it always makes me sad because you are such a lovely person.I think your so strong with dealing with the illness and dealing with hate! you are such an inspiring person and i would do anything to make you better and for you to stop getting hate! I love you!X

aw this is cute bless you thank you so much! i wish i knew who you were <3 i love you too xx

Greatest respects to you, i never realised you had that illness, i hope you have the best life possible, and i mean that seriously, i have so much fucking respect for you and i have tears in my eyes knowing you do, you don't deserve that, you keep fighting and you stay strong, i love you xxxxxxxx

This is adorable aw thankyou so much. I love you too!

aww your mum is an amazing woman, for bringing up someone as special as you, let her a said, shes fab x

Aw thank you xx

how could i? my girlfriend would get jealous if i used sperm donation or something

It would be something you have to agree on x

do you like any of the popular 'facebook famous' people?x

Cemone warren, Reece Kay, James Degan, Alex Clark , Karl brace

why the fuck would your ex cheat on you, anybody would be lucky to have someone as special as you and he fucking chucked you away like you was nothing, you were something, and he didn't fucking realise it, the cunt x

Well he did, and didn't appreciate me at all I'm better off without him but thank you cutie x


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