
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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sorry but how have you not realised that Joey Reeve is a fake profile yet? he was the one who created the nathan morgan account, he greated the toni chai account the ben triggs account and about 50 more its a 50 year old man

No just no.

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I honestly think you are the most beautifulest guy I have ever seen in my life! Gay guys are always so nice! Ever considered being bisexual, you'd have even more people chasing after you! You're so lovely, no wonder people fall in love with you! If we were friends, I'd be proud to call u bestfriend

Awwwh! I have girls saying they love me even though they know im gay haha! But awhh thankyou! And why could you be?! I NEED A BESTFRIEND!

This kid made some video about you? how he takes back what he said and all this gay shit about movies & that! haha propa wanker him, but thought you should know! x


if i told you who it was you'd probably think im a freak because im only in year ten..but most lads arent like you matt! you're unique

I wouldnt think you're a freak at all silly! Im only 17 my self...Don't be so silly<3 x

Thank you beautiful :* Means alot coming from some as amazing as you :D xx

No problem babe! always here just inbox me on facebook or whatever xx

i've never wanted to be with anyone as much as i want to be with you, but its the age, the distance and maybe the fact that im a girl,i hate how much hate you get off everyone,its fucking horrible,you dont deserve the shit,you're beautiful and you're perfect in everyway possible, i think i love you.

Awh this is so cute , thankyou so much! && ay just because we can't have a relationship because im a guy we could have a good friendship? I have a bestfriend who lives in wales and weve never fell out once in alot of years so maybe it could happen! Im sure i love you too lovely xx

Because everytime i seem to pick myself up, i get knocked back down again </3

Ay ay, Don't you talk so silly! Don't ever let somebody bring you down. It proves youre always on there mind so just smile! No matter what if you keep letting people get to you how are others ever gone to leave you alone? Show them you can stand up for yourself! Honestly I bet you're lovely xx

Your so beautiful, dont let anyone get you down your so strong and brave wish i was more like you :')

Thankyou cutie! && Why can't you be evertbody can be brave and strong...

Please please can you copy the following, battleofthefans/view/333, in your browser then click the first result for a cover by GeorginaaMcfly and vote for my friend? :) thank you x


Best memory of 2012?

Spending a few days with a boy who meant everything to me, but we didnt work out...(not jordan btw)


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