
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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He's a dick people don't change, you should find someone who values you instead of that waster xx

No, he's lovely I gave my ex like 25 chances and he cheated on me...I'm to soft I guess but ill give him a last chance ::) x
Liked by: HollyMerrygold

Lol omg matty chocolate starfish means ass hole they being rude xx

Why chocolate? I'm white and I clean everyday x

Why you back seeing Tyler thought he was being a cunt xxx

he let me down yes, but everybody deserves a second chance... but if he lets me down again then that is it and I always stick to my word xxx
Liked by: HollyMerrygold

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ill be your bf your cute we can be cute together kiss watch films and just generally be cute babes x

who r u? x

why is jake lee not lovely anymore because he thinks he fb famous

No , I just don't talk to him anymore so i cant say he is...

Matt, you are the most perfect boy in the hole world!!!! <3 xoxoxox ............................................................................................^^ Just to annoy you ;) xxxxxx

Liked by: Charlie Beynon

would you date a fatty fatty boom boom?

i'm already dating, but someone's weight doesnt define them so yes


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