
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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Lets play a game, lets play armies!? Where you lay down and ill blow the fuck out of ya ;P xx

Lets go!

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You never notice me, once you said you were going to add me but you never did. I sat there for 2 hours waiting for the request. Thanks.

Sorry like I can't remember

i would actually travel to where ever you are when ever you wanted me too and as much as i could, too make it work thats how perfect i think you are..

That is fucking adorable! Omg

why do you tell people your still a vergin when i can describe what your dick looks like ? Someone you did stuff with in the woods told me :)

I am a virgin thanks

Do you not like your tribal tatto?

It needs all doing again, so I'm getting it all done and see if I can get it changed into something else


Language: English