
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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What's the furthest from home you've been?

I went to Dominican republic so like 10hrs for 2 and half weeks

do you find it hard? been different to everyone else, and getting treated differently? don't you just sometimes wish that other people understood and didn't judge?

Everybody will judge people, ive done it, you would of its the way of life I suppose we cant do anything about it but it sucks been odd to people and been treated different but on the other hands.
Its a good thing because you're clearly unique x

ur so hot can i suck u pls. people have told me i'm good at giving head.

People lie, but ill be the judge of it, come here xo

how come you have so many followers/likes on your pictures? how do you do it x

People just follow and like my stuff I guess? xx

Explain everything to do with Jordan, with whats happened and whats happening and what could happen.

Me and Jordan are friends and its staying like that

Go on what's ya nightmare? I'm intrigued now

it was when I was litter, it was like a dream what carried on every night but like I different part to it but there used to be 3 men always trying to get in bathroom window, one had a ginger beard, and the others had scars on there face... and it just carried on and carried on was one of the most terrifying things ever. Then like one day I actually finally found my voice and shouted me mum and ever since then ive next had a night mare about them again? how weird haha


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