
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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Rate yourself overall out of 10 and explain why you think that of yourself, i'm sure no-one will call you ignorant if you give yourself a decent rate, i would give you a 10, you are known on facebook and stuff but you're not snobby about it, you are very hot and i agree everything you say:-)<3

Id give my self like a 6, not to be bigged but I always put people before me and I have a pretty decent personality. I dont fake my self around people either or bitch about them behind there back ill tell you how it is. I'm not the best of looking but i'm not really ugly (my opinion) but thankyou x

do you answer to every question on here or do you ignore some, just not answer some? what kind of questions dont you like answering, aart from hate, not that you deserve it?!

Most questions unless it's hate or generally somebody been a dick towards me :) xx
Or if they're like 'omg do me something' or really obsessed x

do you prefer to sit in and eat and be on your laptop and stuff, or would you rather be outside with your friends and stuff?

I love going for meals and stuff like that, but like tbh I get nervous going out so I always let people down etc :( im a cunt i know x

do you think girls who wear pretty short shorts (not ass showing tho) are sluts? or do you think they can wear what they want? do you think they look hot?

They can wear what they like and yeah I do if they have hot tanned legs x

(ano you're gay but you can still find girls hot haha), would you notice the girl who wears pretty little dresses who make a bit of an effort, or the girls with hardly any clothes that look pretty but wear falsies and shitt..? Xx

I find ALOT of girls hot! To be my type of girl youd have to have like really long styled hair, wear pretty clothes, and have 1 set of eyelashes and id be happy :) x

do you go on here everyday? do you have it on your phone? xxxxxxx

Yeah have it on my phone, and most days xxx


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