
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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people will be shocked if they ever fount out tbh :/ but i'm just not sure what it is :/ whether like i'm gay or just going through the "curious" stage yano :/ x

They won't find out thats a promise well not from me anyway<3 And yes i understand you x

awhh i hope you too get alog, never know you might actually like eachother in the end, also why not now?

hes gone bed i think and yes maybe so x

no i mean what happened to the guy who wanted to talk on skype to you, who also send you a cute paragraph

Oh he spoke to me about it

i might do it inabit then! see if i pluck the courage or not! shaking like a leaf atm :( x

Make sure you do im hear to help x

um.. if you look, you never asked who i was, so i don't know where you got that from.. awk

Sorry i said 'Why do you wanna know so bad' sorry

it's not funny :( meanypants x

I'm sorry, if you want pop up to me on facebook or text me and ill talk to you about it x

how did you come out that you were gay? x

Sounds dead cringey dont take the piss i was scared, but over text message, then my mum ran upstairs to me when she got in and we spoke face to face x

well this is for asking questions & getting answers? but fuck it if you're too chicken, cya x

I answer every other questions truthfully, i asked you who you was you never replied so yeah? cya


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