
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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if you had to choose between your bestfiends massive house party or go to a concert,which would you do?

Chloé Grant
My bestfriends house party, because there my bestfriends and I love spending time with my bestfriends so Id do whatever to spend time with them...because they mean a awful lot to me because they have stayed close to my through everything whereas my friends have left me :/ x
Liked by: Chloé Grant

Name me 5 people who fit in these categories that you have on your facebook friends list from whoever comes to mind first: Hottest - Most emo looking person - Most plastic person - Most facebook famous person - & Most chavviest person -

Liked by: Chloé Grant

Jordan seems lovey, and when i met him at that party you two looked the most happy and cuteist couple ! But shit happens :/ Ive heard things, and its sounds like you need to talk, ive spoken too him, he said that there is a massive hole in his heart x

So this is somebody I know then...I don't want Jordan back not to be horrible but I really don't wasn't even like a couple or anything, yeah hes lovely but not for me... I don't wanna talk to him it would make things worse I think...I like somebody else and awh bless x

Rude, why are you talking about me on here? Sorry but I don't even know why you have a problem with me? Ohh and honey calling me a slut because your still a virgin isn't going to offend me:))))

Daniel Joey Lee
Well if people mention your name or share your photos im going reply about you, and im sorry id prefer to a be a virgin that have sex with anything 'honey' please just sort that jew nose out already you ugly mess, okay no reply to you again bye darling.
Liked by: Jo$H

because he talks to u yet u dont back obvv

That's not speaking to me then is it...but I don't even know who it is and tbh if you don't have a face picture or something im not going reply

him and daniel joey lee had a fight at the manchester meetup haha what would you give him out of 10 i think yous would be perf

Daniel is a slut so I hope Dom kicked his arse, and id give him a 9 and cute xx


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