
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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sophie dunster is sexy isnt she, id bum er m8.. r use related

She's gorgeous, she wouldn't bum you...and yes shes my couison xxx

matt tbh i love you an everything but you're stupid sometimes dude, just ignore ask.fm or even delete it if its causing problems in your relationship and social life

I dont know who this is, I shouldnt have to delete anything because of some random people but I do understand where you're coming from... I'm just going ignore the cunts x

YOU AND JORDY ARE THE MOST CUTE COUPLE IVE LIKE EVER SEEN ! Dont let some nob heads get in your ways. You both look amazing and happy together. Stay with him and dont let anyone or anything bring you two down xxxx

Awwwh thank you so much, this means alot && yeah im dead happy with Jordan but there always as to be somebody who gets in the way. But yeah thankyou xxxx

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my plan to split you up worked ? wow am i really that good ? only took me to say ive seen things lol ! YAY twat

Jokes on you fool, ofc we haven't spilt up. So silly ain't you, keep trying babe

Omfg all of you on anon, grow up! Mathew and jordan are perfect together,be happy for him jesus, low life idiots, love you matt<3<3

Thanks you beautiful, means a lot love you too xxxxxxx

well in my eyes hes tryin his best to mek u 2 work he wil look at what hes doin soon. u never try with him. ive seen.

Who's this?

you dont deserve jordan.

Somebody says this everyday, he commented on the link before 'matts perfect I do deserve him' so give up, I'm just deleting this question next time you say this. Piss of.

you werent:/i was just being a bitch. love youu

No, I was don't be silly! I did hardly talk to you and stuff :(! Miss you I do...! Love you beautiful!

you&jordy are aborable,even if we have fell out..you donr deserve all this shit. lauren:*x x x

Thankyou, and yeah sorry about that...I admit I was a cunt :/ Ly.

Jordan really does love you, seen all the shit you two are getting, dont let it get in your twos way baby!XX

Awhh I know, and were not doing they need grow up. But thanks beaut xxx

wait wtf, how dumb can i get. sorry i didnt see your name, i didnt even think to look there haha sorry

It's cool I guess...

jordan is too gud 4 u

He thinks different that's all I care about, mine and his feelings...not what anybody else thinks. Fucking grow up abit yeah.


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