
Matty Drew

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If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?

Omg, I think id be to excited and nervous and yeah omg ID love it though

I'm glad you're gay, at least then there aren't baby versions of you roaming the Earth. :-)

Just because im gay doesnt mean im not having kids? You thick cunt youre just jealous because they will turn out good looking unlike your vile self
Liked by: lauren stones

I'm sorry but to all the sick twats out there, grow up and stop being so low! You obviously have nothing better to do than cyber bully someone and say it on anon, because you know you'll get hate back if you say your name! I'm sorry but mathew doesn't deserve this, so shut ur gob. Ly matt xxxxxxxxx

Awwh, you do make me smile amy! Love you millions xxxxxxxxxx

good:) if youre getting vile texts and prank calls get a new number and only give it to people you trust. but dont top yourself, you're so much better than all the cretins giving you shit on anon x

Ive changed my number 3 times already, but people just keep getting it Idek how... Probs my so called 'friends' two faced people! thankyou though means alot x

baby, if the hates getting to you de-activate this piece of shit as you dont deserve any of it. just rise above it x

I might do that, its for the best x

Don't top yourself, your better than most of the people out there. I myself couldn't handle what you go through. So i have great admiration for you staying strong. Those that hate are so insecure and upset about themselves so they bully others to make themselves feel better. :) It'll be get better x

Its like everyday im getting told to kill myself though, if it isnt prank calls its vile texts...or inboxes but mostly on here because they hide behide anony is digusting... but thankyou so much xx

You are proper amazing! The people that are bullying you are just dickheads. You keep doing what you do best and show them bullies what your really made of :) xox

I'm trying but actually all the hate on here today has got to me, I feel like topping my self yano.., there all cunts who need a smack, but thankyou anyway x

Everyone gives you so much hate,I don't understand why though?!! your a lovely boy & your gorggg x

I don't understand why to but while there bullying me there leaving somebody else alone xx

Do you think your hot?xxxx

No I'm insecure I want plastic surgery tbh, but if people are going insult me ill just take the piss


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