
Matty Drew

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its okay, thanks for replying at all. I'd love to talk to you about it but I'm not on facebook - so slightly problematic... Never mind, thanks anyway. And stay strong, I don't know you, or tyler, but what I do know is that you deserve so much better. Anyone would be lucky to have you - you're golden

Tyler isn't all that bad tbh, credit where it's due. When he's nice man you cannot find a nicer person and that's hand on heart truthful. It's people around him what always made us row etc and that isn't fair. It was unwanted pressure man: I wish him the best though with his future relationships ;)

what happened to your cheek?

I'm not entirely to sure about it tbh, I just know all my cheek is swallon and bruised x

I don't know all that well but I can tell you've been through alot and you still have a good heart. What inspires you to keep on going?

Well why should I not keep going? That is the actual question. If people have nothing nice to say about me 1) I dont wanna hear it 2) I dont really care
End of the day I will do what I wanna do, it's my life not theirs you cannot please everybody. Id only care about somebody opinion if they meant alot to me
Liked by: Ethanbarnes☆

Not being funny but Tyler and his 'friend' who is posting on here seem pretty childish, who wants little pathetic boy when you can easily find yourself a real man who loves you no matter what, no matter how long it takes you to cum :') wgaf pathetic people

Amen to that x
Liked by: Ethanbarnes☆

This is bullshittt. All these pussy anon haters need to get the fuck away and focus on their own shitty lifes. So fuck y'all :) Matty you're pretty fucking cool :))

Exactly, don't know why their so obsessed with my life man :/
thank you though x
Liked by: Ethanbarnes☆

What are your plans for the summer?

Hopefully ill be driving by then, and have a cute boyfriend.
Then we can go on cute days out, and come back get drunk in the back garden and sun bathe getting a nice tan. Hopefully go some place nice with the family aswell :)

Am not going to start an argument, but saying someones ugly puts peoples confidence right down, no need tbh..

Oh and saying stuff about my illness isnt? nah okay then, and been called fat... like I said okay then :) THATS A GREAT CONFIDENCE BOOST THAT IS

He's also told everybody 'you were rubbish in bed because you can't even cum'

Well just proves what sort of person he is then doesn't it, just proves I've done the right thing and gone. Was the least expected person to say something like that so thank you to him

So you wouldn't want to know if I got you proof of his Facebook?

No?! Jesus Christ.
Tyler was 4 months that's it, nothing special, that's embarrassing to call it a relationship tbh, I'm over it.
I want a boyfriend with good looks, money and a big dick and I'll be happy ok bye.
That's how many fucks I give. -0

He probably cheated on you anyway, he slags his own friends off and runs back like he's an angel.

Probably, wouldn't put it past him. I've been cheated on before, a second time won't bother me.
So what if he has? Their is friends. He's put my life I don't give a fuck about him. I've always said the truth always comes out in the end and if that's the case... Well yeah. Just leave me alone. I hate him so I don't wanna know.

Tyler as always said you were fat, and had a shit personality to me anyway, better off without.

That's fine, I honestly don't mind because he's not wrong

Hope he is then ay, least somebody will make him happy.

It's okay if he is, I know what he's like by now and he will be but that's fine. I hope he finds somebody who makes him happy because the response I got last night when I asked 'why have you stayed for 4
Months then' his replie was 'fuck knows' that's proves how much I meant doesn't it really. So I'll also find somebody who makes me happy and trust me if I wanted I could find someone easy but I always pick the losers with nothing. Making out like I used him? What for his money? Because he sure as he'll never payed for fuck all.

Well if he is talking to somebody else good for him, you were shit for him anyway.

Well he did it with his Ex Mickey and I was second best there so that is probably true and wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. The relationship is over and I don't understand why you're so bothered. I'm not neither is Tyler. You're starting to look like a freak if I'm honest. Also I don't remember you been in the relationship to know I was 'shit for him' leave it out.


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