
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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Your perfect! I actually want to fuck you so hard! And just pleasure you until you reach paradise! I'd destroy you to be quite honest!

Thankyou haha x

I just cant :/ its not worth an explanation. And you wouldnt look at me twice. No where near as good looking as you. Xxx

Well if you think like that I give up. Nothing I can do to help sorry xx

Hiya:* what effect do you mainly use on that picmonkey and what do you tend to change:3x

Hey, normally i change the lighting, and make my skin look fake :L

i am genuinly in love with you,you may not know it but you really are perfect,you're absolutely gorgeous,you have an amazing personality,we speak quite a bit,and i hope we meet up one day(a) you really are a lovely guy and any girl/boy would be lucky to have you baby,i love you so much,dont forget!x

Thankyou so much i love you more xxx

so that's the y reason why you like jade? nasty.

omg, you're doing my head in why does it matter to you? I like the girl get over it.

because you are literlaly the only lad that i can talk to about everything and your soo nice to me! wouldn't kive without you now babe!xxxxxxx

awwwwwwh dead cute! i love you xxx

Oh haha! Thankyou:) what sorta phone was it if you don't mind me asking and how did you get it to take a picture without touching the phone?xoxoxoxx

the samsung galaxy the new one, and it had a timer on it :) xxxx


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