
Matty Drew

Ask @MattyPearce

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ok ur perfect because u love queen Demi x not on anon cause im fearless

awwwwwh haha! ;) And yes thank fuck we have one fearless bastard around! x

i cannot belive you are gay! would fricking love to be yours! i think you are the definition of perfection!! you seem so lovely when i spoke to you before! we should talk more! your so gorgeous aaah!!!! :(<3

I cant talk more to a anoy? But thankyou...xxx

im on your fb too and we've never spoken but I want to meet you, you seem so perfect!

BLAH?! tell me who you are godness! :/ Ill cry,

I've got you on facebook, we've never spoke but just want you to know that you seem lovely and you're gorgeous in every way!<3

DONT SAY this on anoy! I wanna know who you are when you compliment me? But thankyouuu x


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