
Syed Hamza Bin Faisal

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Who smokes joint 👻

"It's okay to be a man".
It's not okay; It's necessary.
You look around cities and see all these buildings go up. These men, they're doing impossible things. They're working on the sewers; they're up on the power lines in the storms and the rain. They work themselves to death (often literally).
The gratitude for that is sorely lacking, especially among the people who should be most grateful: the social justice bent who are among the most protected and privileged people the world has ever produced.
They take everything they have for granted, failing to understand that there's a massive infrastructure of unbelievably hard-working, solidly labouring working-class men breaking themselves in half regularly, making sure that everything that always breaks works.
A little gratitude for that is in order.

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You're getting on my nerves...... . . . . With your beauty. 🥰

Positive thinking is a coping mechanism, an automatic coping mechanism. It is void of life. Feeling and experiencing the realness of what is actually happening are the essences of being alive. Feeling, connecting, reacting to the flow-- this is all living. Positive thinking happens in the head, meanwhile, it denies the heart its authentic, genuine feelings. Not only does it have the potential to rob you of real and deeper connection which is ultimately necessary to living a passionate and compassionate life; but it even has the potential to cut you off from reality itself. A mask that you put on your face, other people's faces, and throw over everything around you. We do not become positive by refusing to be real. We become positive people by really living, really feeling, and really rising above anything that would threaten to sink us. You can't even see what threatens to sink you if you refuse to acknowledge that it's even there. Why did Titanic sink? Someone refused to see the icebergs.

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How to get unattatched to someone💔

زر کے لئے ہیں عدل کے دربار بک گئے
حرص و ہوس میں حسن کے سردار بک گئے
سچ کا یہاں پہ کوئی خریدار کب ملا
جھوٹے تھے جتنے شام تک اخبار بک گئے
سورج خرید لائے تھے ہم جن کے واسطے
سائے ڈھلے جو شام کے غدار بک گئے
دشمن کی کوئی چال نہ مجھ کو ہرا سکی
پھر یوں ہوا کہ میرے سبھی یار بک گئے

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Bolo na chup kyu ho?

You see, your soft heart, your sensitivity, no matter how many times they dismiss it, is the reason why there is still kindness left in the world. You are the person people know they can turn to in their times of need. You are the soft heart that is there to empathise when others ache at their very worst. This is why you deserve to be protected. I believe that kindness is an endangered thing in this world of ours, and our most important resource. And if someone is sensitive, they are born with something more precious that diamonds inside themselves.
However, the life of a kind soul is always harder than most. In school, children are cruel and teachers insist you are too oversensitive. Your parents will tell you to toughen up because the world is a hard place. But you are still the child that spends time looking around the classroom, seeing others who look hurt or in pain and trying to help them. You’re still the child who gently places fallen baby birds back in their nests. You are still the soft soul that gets your heart broken over cruel words and awful acts when you watch the news. You can’t understand why there is so much hate in the world when it really does not take that much to be good. It drives you to be nicer to people, it makes you understand how much they are carrying within themselves.
This, exactly this innocence is what you must protect about yourself. Do not let the world change you. Do not allow anyone to change how you feel. Do not become hard. Treasure your softness. It’s what makes you incredible.

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What’s in your mind atm 🧏🏻‍♀️

There's this well known scene in the Shooter film where he puts down corrupt high ranking politicians mercilessly after failing to take them down through the system. It makes sense today.
Urban dwelling citizens (if they step outside their echo chambers) would be horrified to know these corrupt people have significant support from their shitty rural constituencies which is filled with brain dead uneducated people. We really have no say in which direction the country goes. Allah talah humaray mulk ko bachaye. Ameen


This baby panda was sent from China to Japan as an ambassador for the friendship between the two countries.
On the flight, instead of being locked in a cage under the animal compartment, the bear was instead sitting in the passenger cabin, with his caregiver, wearing a seat belt, wearing a diaper and enjoying bamboo leaves during flight.


Language: English