@WriterAngelaSherice#20 🇺🇸

“To Whom It May Concern”

i'm 30 years old, I've never had a girlfriend

I do not judge the under 30 who, IMO, have perfectly understandable reasons for not having relationships and friendships (or, for the ones that do and have had them) the weirdness/disconnect and thinly veiled/superficiality run amok within their relationships and friendships).
The invent of social media has come along and robbed yous of having a frame of references of "both worlds": What life, friendships and relationships was like without world distractions. Its inception has rearranged natural life and the naturalness in the human psyche. Period.
Although there are quite a few of the same types of perils and terrain that the under 30 face today, still, my hope is that every page turned in my 3-book "Angie Situation" series
{ https://othersideofthefame.com }
{ https://othersideofthefame.com/?s=Angie+Situation } gives the under 30 a peek into and permission to live vicariously through how friendships and relationships were as, there is NO mention of the WORD or situation involving "social media" in it. Pure, unadulterated, concentrated life❣️
im 30 years old Ive never had a girlfriend

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i'm 30 years old, I've never had a girlfriend

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