

Ask @askdannchu

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What's the worst Anime you ever watched?

ooohhh... that's a tough question. I'm not sure tbh since they're too bad to remember hahaha!

Are you planning to come to Singapore this year?

I reaalllyyy want to but unfortunately i dont have the money as i'm still not working. Won't be too focused in finding a job cos i'll be studying ;w; If i do go - it'll be a last minute thing OUO

Do you accept friend requests?

Honestly sometimes ;w; I feel really but and I dont mean to boast but my list is almost full and I wanna save space for some people ;A; I usually accept if you send a message but im terribly sorry if i do miss it QAQ!!

Senpai, are you excited to see Reika at SMASH?

i am! but she's gonna be swarm so I dont think i'd be able to approach especially in the cosplay for day 1 >_<; so i'll just admire her from afar ^^;

Um.. I have a makeup chart (it's my first time so sorry if it's not that easy to understand) that I really would like you do try it out but the thing is it's for a female...so I'm not sure if you would like to try it out.. but if you do I'll be really happy Danny-san

I can try! ouo)/ most likely when i go school and do makeup classes i'll be doing female facecharts ^_^

It seen like I am able to figure out the square knotting part but the adjusting part not yet ><" What's Jewellery Elastic? A type of string?

jewellery elastic is a really thin string that stretches :D

Why are you so talented!? I tried to make the bracelet but it seen l am unable to figure out how to do the adjusting part of the bracelet... How do you make the adjusting part?

IM NOT AT ALL >_<;;; oh! Look on youtube called "square knotting" . that's what i did to make the bracelet adjustable. but then also jewellery elastic is used for thread the beads since the hole of the beads are really >_<; and the ends are black waxed cords ended with square knotting to make it adjustable

What's your favorite cosplay, senpai? >w<

of mine? hrmmmmmmmmmmm not quite sure tbh :O! each cosplay has its own unique experience :D

(*´ω`*) but I was surprised though because what makes you beautiful o-ohh~♪ #no what makes you want to be a cosmetic/skincare retail person? I was thinking that you're aiming for something higher haha

ROFLMAO OMG HAHAHA I dont kno. I think my interest for cosmetic and skincare but yeah. I am a uni graduate with a science degree originally wanting to be a chemist working in labs but throughout the course - i just couldn't do it. :)

Sempai... I won a contest and it's a $30 voucher for a wig store called matchwigs.com and I don't really cosplay so you would like it?

ooh congrats! save it for your friends!! *^*)/

Yukina is my ideal guy oso ;)do u happen to be kisa irl by any chance ;)

.... when im 30 and still single .. then its possible im kisa

Hey Danny, I was checking your blog and the pictures don't show up? Q A Q //

omg thank you for telling me! I'll fix it asap >_< photobucket bandwidth exploded so im gonna change to flickr or smth

how do you order things from taobao? (i literally have no clue since i thought it only ships around china)

I use google translate and a taobao agent :D
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