

Ask @askdannchu

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whats your ideal type? ;) for guys AND girls? ;) ;)

hrmm ideal partner mmm
someone who loves me for who i am, that is someone who isn't ashame to be around me. supports me, keeps me standing on my two feet.
Isn't biased, know things realistically and won't always side with me non stop.
Someone who is honest and will tell me the traits they don't like about me but deals with it.
Not too clingy, but at least around to know they're there for me.
Respectful to not only me and others (unless reasons)
Someone i can spent my time with and bother.
oh, someone who'll eat my crazy cooking LOL and tolerate with my messy unorganised self.
and yeah, just the typical shoujo life i guess hahahaha. Alot to ask but yeah :) ideally after all

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How often do you need to wash your wigs?

usually after 3-4 use. or especially wen it heavilly sprayed and styled with hairspray and wax or it smells weird :X
Liked by: Simone

Thank you so much TTvTT This really made my day and motivated me! (and sobbed happy tears for a bit) I can't really put it into words, but thank you so so so much-- //showersyouwithrainbowcupcakesandgratitude

haha! s'all good ^_^)/

Hey Danny, I hope you're having a great day ^ ^ I don't want to bother you, but I don't know who to talk to about this; Something I really enjoy has turned into something which makes me stressed and unhappy (becausepeople) and this isn't the first time I've felt this way about it. What should I do?

Thanks heaps, hope you do too ^_^
omg i really know how you feel especially through cosplay. I go through this almost every week.
I find that if you take a break and keep your mind of it for the mean time OR if you still want to be involve, just keep it simple and dnt let it be on your mind so much. distract yourself with the positives- food, gaming, hanging out with friends.
That's the stressed part, for the unhappy part - especially in the case of people butthurting you, there are a couple of ways to handle it. Ignoring the bad and think the positive is great, by doing this - it makes you learn how to deal with people. I'm not saying to be completely ignorant because some of these things are also a sign to improve just worded in a harsh way. Dont let this unhappiness get to you, dont let it be on your mind to make you think. Easier said than done but just like the stress - distract yourself :)
I'm not sure of the issue thats revolving around you but hope you're able to deal with it soon :)

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What is your idea of a great holiday or vacation?

anywhere i can relax and be happy. no stress or worries on mymind

What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

to fap or not. .... i mean wat time is it,wat do i need to do today

Hum deee dum just wondering; who are you closer to - your mom or dad? :)

forever my mom. im a big mommas boy LOLOL

dannnnehhhhhhhhhhhhhh please update blog!! I miss reading your life stories ahah!

i really want to but blogger still hasnt fixed my error code which is not letting me log QAQ blogger still hant responde me over 3 emails orz

What series are you following this season?

hrmm lets seee.. i drpped quite alot but atm its
Kill la kill
nagi no asukara
gallileo donna
samurai flamenco
log horizon
kyoukai no kanata
hrmmm i think thts it :O


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