

Ask @askdannchu

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what is your favourite dessert? (if you like one that is)

I LOVE ALLL DESSERTS EXCEPT strong liqueur ones or orange-chocolate ones >_<)/

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If a friend asked you to be their, say, Haruka for Free! cosplay but a different group of people also want you to cosplay with them as Haruka, would you turn down one or do both?

if its on different days then i dont mind being both. i guess thats convenient :3
however if its on the same day - unfortunately i'll have to turn down the group one because friends come first :D unless they're all friends then whoever ask first hahaha ^_^

I've been cosplaying for 5 years now, but I've never been on a proper photo shoot! I just wondered how you... Do it?;A; How do you find photographers and locations? And any tips for posing in character? I always get so embarrassed when posing haha ^^ Thanks <3

oh! GET YOURSELF OUT THERE SHOOTING! hahaha! Generally i meet photographers through cons and then getting their details and hooking up ;) hahaha jokes jokes but in a way it is similar like that. Get to know the photographer abit. If you feel too awkward to talk to a photographer - ask friends :D Either friends shoot you or friends who know photogs ^_^ Location wise - i think it's just alot of hunting around and research and thinking if it'll suit the theme. :3
Now posing is actually one of the most complicated BUT it is not difficult :D Facial expression + body language. Channel that character and practice facial expression. Remember just because a character is serious doesn't necessarily mean they're always frowning OR if a character is happy they're not always smiling. The eyes says alot especially combine with the brow. Do expression challenge test and just look in the mirror and do it. ridiculous as it sounds but i do it alot hahaha! ykno like GIVE ME A HAPPY FACE . ANGRY FACE. SEXY FACE etc etc XD Don't forget to research the character to replicate some of its expressions. And also its body languages and poses. However dnt make it a habit of doing the same poses throughout. That's actually my bad habit >_< where the character poses like that and i end up doing it in all the shots OTL Try come up with poses that you think the character would do as well :D
hopefully that helps! GOODLUCK AND GET SHOOTING! XD

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I know you generally shoot with the same ish people, but what do you look for in a photographer? / any dream photographers you'd like to do a shoot with? c:

dream photogs... oooh can't think on top of my head at the moment hahaha! But yes i do generally shoot with the same people mainly due to we both connect well, and we know what style we are going for and composition. In saying that tho - I do choose different photographers for different shoot (well try to) because each photographer has their own unique style. Hence depending on the shoot - i may prefer to shoot with this certain photographer because of their style of shooting. However sometimes I do stick with other photogs if the preferred photog cannot attend and we just negotiate around what we want and yeah. Practice makes perfect right? hahaha!
What i choose in photography is just to have a good connection with them. Ykno listening to each others opinion and taking it into consideration and negotiating on things. Good communication. Someone who'll talk to me to check with photos etc and who will take notice of certain details such as my wigcap is showing or makeup is melting etc and will tell me. In saying that- not fully picky though.
Unfortunately i dnt enjoy photographers who are just too picky or judgemental saying the cosplay isn't right etc.
and yeahhh :D

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When deciding to cosplay a character, do you go for the character you "connect" to the most and like the most, or do you go for design? Like, even if it's a character you don't like, but the design is amazing ~

I think both. Sometimes i choose chara that i seem to connect with because its easier to portray especially facial expression etc. but sometimes the art is just TOOO beautiful that i force myself to do research to learn that character and get the gist of it so i'm not cosplaying without knowing anything about them (aka cosf*cking them) ouo)/

Do you sew your costumes yourself, customize or do you buy them online/commission ? I love your cosplays btw! :DD

a little bit of everything. sometimes i sew. sometimes i buy. rarely commision unless a friend offers to make :3 but ya! thank you so much <3

hi danny-san ^v^/ i'm yr little fan from macau. yr cosplays are awesome and my friends and i love u very much! will we hve a chance to meet ;v; look forward to meeting you soon ^o^//

hello! thank you so much! <3 hope to be able to go macau one day! QAQ)/

U knoe wat i rlly like about you u add everyone all your fans some cosplayers wld not evn vother adding half of their fans but not you u add all of them and thts wat i love about you <3 dun ever change ><

aww thank you so much! <3 generally i dnt really like the term "fans", i consider them as friends so yeah :) I do get cautious of who i accept but generally i accept . but unfortunately facebook has friend limits QAQ so i still hav many waiting which i feel really bad ><

Your sincere answer really teared me up. Thanks so much for taking the time to give advice! I'll do my best, and I hope to be as cool as you someday ><

all the best! <3


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