

Ask @askdannchu

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I looked at your insta and determined that you are definitely more pretty than some girls I've seen. I hope I'm not offending you when I say you're pretty!

t-t-thankyouu >///< But i'm sure cos of the filters XDDD

Hmm. Do your parents know that you r a coser??! If yes, what were their reactions while hearing you said so??! I really dun wanna hide my parents that I cosplay. But I'm so nervous that I think they will never allow me to cosplay. Do u have any advice for me??! Thanks a lot for ur help first.

hello! yes my parents do :) My mom was cool with it and my dad thought it was strange until he found out that there are actually alot of cosers in this world who shares this same hobby. So now he thinks its interesting. Overall I think it just depends on your parents and the people they are. Because my uncle thinks I'm just a weirdo and my aunty think its a waste of time and money. Overall - tell someone you trust most first who you think would understand and then slowly open up to the rest of the family. I think that's better. Also most likely your family/parents will talk about smth along the lines of "don't get carried away". So just let them know about priorities and that you will still focus on studies/work/life as a top priority and they tend to be happy that at least you're not having your heads only in the cosplay cloud XD. All the best!

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If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

I dont think i'd close any >_>;

Have your parents seen your female cosplays or youtube videos? If so, do you know what they think?

yes they have =) it's funny because the first time i crossplayed was a dare from my mom hahaha! Honestly my parents don't mind cosplay and the youtube vids at all- at least I know how to get my life together then its all good. :D
Liked by: Harsha sherry

OMG do you have an IG because I just saw a photo of you and you are SO pretty! I would love to see more lol

I do have an instagram - its " dannchu " ^_^)/

sorta late but your syndra was so pretty :D

t-thank you so much! >< my armour was falling apart QAQ

Hi Danny! Do you have any recommended places to buy contact lenses? I'm not sure which stores are safe and which are not >.<

I usually buy from honeycolor.com . when they run out of stock i turn to pinkyparadise.com or lensvillage.com :D

Sempapa I think you're amazing and do you dye your hair? and if so, how do you keep it nice and pretty?

thankyou >///< I rarely color my hair cos my parents are strict but it's not really nice hahaha! Mainly I just straighten it and wear a hat for an hour or two so my hair is flat and fluffy ><; but yeahh

Um.. Sempai.. Are you going to do any more videos any time soon? I really want to see them :3

I definitely will! tbh Im jst waiting to get a new camera for vlogs and to make makeup tutorials without videos being out of focus :3
Liked by: ★Georgiana★


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