

Ask @askdannchu

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Do you find pencil, liquid or gel eyeliner easier to use? Which would you recommend? :)

depends what look you're trying to go for. personally i like liquid because it doesn't smudge as much compared to pencil and gel liners. Pencil is great if you're going for soft look. Liquid is better for sharp looks. And gel is when u wanna do both soft but with sharp lines.
Liked by: ^_^ Estria

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(cont.) Do you have problems of descrimination or stuff like that? How do you deal with that? I hope you don't mind this question : )

the community and society has definitely accepted more girls crossdressing into guys and i believe it's because many pull it off really well to the point you don't actually know their gender. And also there's the thing with a girl can look like a "tomboy" or androgynous.
Talking cosplay wise, there has been alot more guys lately crossplaying into girls and whilst many pull them off really well to the point you don't kno until they speak, some aren't able to pull it off as good. I think there's also the thing where alot of guys who crossplay in a non serious way don't really put much effort into trying to look like a girl and just have fun.
Discrimination wise- it's a society stereotype thing where you just get called "gay" just because he is crossplaying. I ALWAYS do face these kind of people whenever I crossplay and tbh I don't let them bother me because i just do what i want and have fun with it because there are alot of other people who appreciate or is amazed at what i do and the effort i put in to pull off trying to look like a female. Its difficult because negativity usually overpowers positivity but yeah, you eventually just learn to ignore and how to deal with them. Especially funny when they try to hit on me and whistles and then they find out im a guy ;)

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Liked by: Hilky Rita Saraiva

Firstly, i wanted to tell you that i really like your work as a cosplayer. I'm a crossplayer (i only did 2 chars and both of them were guys haha) but it seems that more people are accepting girls doing males chars but unfortunatly i don't see the same thing to guys that crossplay as girls. (cont)

aww thank you so much! i'll answer ur question in ur next post :D
Liked by: Rita Saraiva

/hugs senpai more/ I'll be your seme. wait whut. Or wait. I can be an uke XD WAAAAHT XDDD Joking XD loool~ owo

LOLOL -eyes you intensely-

I WANNA BE LIKE YOU WHEN I GROW UP /0/ and was math hard for you in high school, it was for me (I'm Asian) -average 46%- -is doomed-

TRUST ME . YOU DONT WANNA BE LIKE ME LOLOL maths was okay, i was just the type who didnt really care abt studies and played online games. if i studied and payed attention, i wouldve probably done alrightt hahaha

Hey danny! i dunno if someone ever asked this but, how old are you ?! btw, i think you're the most adorable thing ever! please, keep up the good work~ lotsoflove

hello! i'm 23 ouo)/ thank youu <3

is there any other cosplayers you know, that you really want to cosplay with?

I'd love to cosplay with many cosers out of state and country such as hong kong, singapore, the states etc. Of course there is still many people in sydney i still wish to cosplay with but just havnt had the common interest in the cosplay to do so yet :)

Kyaaah, I wish you'll go and visit Philippines XD I'll be waiting for you, senpai /shothard/ Kyaah, attend our Cosmania anime con next year XDDD <3

ngaww thank you! DONT WAIT THO ;A;!

What are the difficulties you face when cosplaying? What things do you find challenging?

I still face the difficulty of being prepared and being on time. LOL I ALWAYS face my old habits of leaving the last 30minute to do my makeup ><
Challenges, I definitely wanna be more daring and out there with my cosplays. Extend my capabilities
Liked by: ^_^

what do you think about fans who root you and dat together?

I don't mind if its subtle but if it keeps going overboard, it ticks me quite abit only because i really don't prefer it ;w;

What would you do if I linked you a cover of me playing Clarity or Stay The Night? :o It's an if cuz I'm still busy learning it HAHAHAHA

I'd probably go cray and spam it B)

I saw some really good 3DMG tutorials on tumblr! but I think making 3DMGs in general takes 5evers (I'm impatient) Q_Q ah good idea, I'll do that then (calling ahead of time)! :D dank you dank you!~

Momo K
un un! bookmarked so many tutorials :D all the best!


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