

Ask @askdannchu

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Hey Dandan! How often do you go around meeting new people? :)

rarely tbh ;A; im always cooped up at home or just doing things myself ;w;
But i'm always up for meeting people though owo)/
Liked by: Tiger Lee

Today is World Environment Day! How do you plan to make a positive impact on our Earth?

i saved paper by printing double sided at work ... but i wasted alot of ink :X
Liked by: Tiger Lee Yumi

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Hiii do you know any good liquid eyeliners with a really fine point. i tried maybellines master precise one. But as it dries it looses color and doesnt stay black, turns out a bit faded grey :(

oh ;A;! thats so strange :O for some reason that didnt happen to me ;w;
mmmm thats all i know so far for western ones. otherwise the one i truly stick to is the clio kill black eyeliner http://beautynetkorea.com/product/CLIO--Waterproof-Brush-Liner-Set/KRCLIOSK0002281/?main_cate_no=ACAC0000&display_group=1
Liked by: Tiger Lee

dannnyy~~ i luvee youu...how do you make cheekbones look higher/more prominent? thannkss :)

you want to highlighter the cheekbone area with either a lighter foundation/concealer to bring it out more, just remember to blend. Otherwise you can use a shimmering highlighter/eyeshadow and apply there so light will pick it up and show it more.
Besides highlighting- you will need to also contour or shade off below the cheekbones with either a darker foundation thats 1-2 shades darker and blend or use a matte brown eyeshadow/contour shadow and apply under the cheekbones to make your cheekbones stand out alot more OWO)/
Liked by: Tiger Lee

Hiya Dandan! I miss your blogging! TAT! WAI U NO BLOG NO MOAR?! How's work btw? (...actually what IS your work now? LOLOL)

I WILL DEFO BLOG MORE. i just .. forever brain fart hahah! pls let me know if theres any certain things u would like me to blog about ;w;)/
work been well! i work in sales :)
Liked by: Tiger Lee

*bi. LOLOL Do you feel hi SEMPAI!? :D dat typo oops laallalalalalalla :3

OHH RIGHT! ummm good question. I think i found out when i didnt care if i was dating a guy or a girl O3O like I wasnt gender specific
Liked by: Tiger Lee

Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

being healthy is nice. makes u feel good about yourself to be honest. but at the same time can be quite difficult to keep up or let loose
Liked by: Tiger Lee

HIYAAAAA SEMPAIIII! How're uuuuu? I don't mean to be rude but was thinking hmm.....when did you know you were hi? ㅋㅋ peace out!!

HELLO!! doing pretty good! how are you!?
when did i know i was hi? O3O?
Liked by: Tiger Lee

Hehe....just curious...how many guys have you dated before? And what were your relationships with them likee?~

guys? O3O ummmm 2?
My relationship with them were like every ordinary relationship XD
however each were special and unique in their own way.
I'm not good with relationships tbh >_<;;;;
Liked by: Tiger Lee

What do you think- can you give any advice to someone who want to be good nad known cosplayer?

i dont know about "known" cosplayer. This "known" part can be good or bad hahaha
For the good cosplayer part ummmm I cant really say much because I personally dont think im good.
I'm still learning and will strive to become a decent cosplayer.
I think having a good sense of motivation and determination when you cosplay will make you "good"?
Because it will keep you going and makes you put effort when you cosplay and being more out there.
But yeah that's all i can really say which isn't much. sorry!
Liked by: Tiger Lee

hey danny!! i was going through your YT videos again and omg do you reckon you'll ever do dance covers again?? :-)))) YOU ARE ACTUALLY A REALLY REALLY GOOD DANCER

ive been learning but omg slow progress ;w;
thank you so much tho *moves around randomly like a caterpillar*
Liked by: Tiger Lee

what was your dream when you were a kid?

my dream as a kid was selfish tbh LOL :
be either a teacher, chef, veterinarian, police, a model (i dont kno why but we always dressed up and walked down the hallway as if it was a fashion show with my cousin)
get rich, drive a convertable car, live in a mansion
play games all day, drive a car,
ummmm yeah. wow LOL
I did achieve a few now that i think about it.
Drive a car, partially model - i cosplay and do photoshoots? LMAOOO
Liked by: Tiger Lee


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