

Ask @askdannchu

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If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

physically i'd change my face shape/jaw , abit of my nose, and my body (one of them)
mentally i'd probably change the fact i'm quite biased and a hypocrite.

What are your thoughts on premarital sex?

oh hrmm idk. in this generation i think its jst so common people like to get it on ;O

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Do you have any tips for an introvert that's trying to change herself for the better?

oooh.. im not quite sure myself. I guess to just accept society more despite it having so many negatives. Actually i dont relaly kno wat an introvert is orz

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

im close to the cheapest fabric stores ouo)b and we hav pork rolls

What meal do you cook best?

idk. the food i cook i think are generally weird, not smth i'd serve to people. it's one of those combined ingredient food that taste really good to me O3O

What is your attitude to smoking?

smoking is fine ONLY if they're considerate of others that is where they smoke. I mean health concern yeah but people hav needs. Just people shouldnt be smoking around public areas that has alot of people passing by. they should smoke in an open well ventillated smoking area with other smokers grouped up

What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?

plane ticket to japan and probably my DSLR camera. oh wait life is expensive in general B(
Liked by: Jenny

danny senpaaai~ what's the best wig brand for u? :3 like the easiest to style and manage hahaha owo

tbh i have no idea LOL i jst buy the cheapest and hope for the best >_<)/

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

my twitterlist .. most of them

Danny how do you style your wigs? I can't get spiky parts to stand and they always turn out looking ridiculous!

omg im terrible at styling wigs >_< i always screw up cutting wigs especially so i always rely on my friends to. A good way for spike is to give it a little tease so it has a base to stand and then use wax or wig styling gel to give it that pointiness :D

Hey Danny, I was wondering where you buy your makeup/brushes from. Thanks! :D

makeup i buy from drugstores (priceline in sydney or GLOSS), sometimes from EBAY. Brushes i get from bargain stores, ebay, art stores and gifts from friends :D


Language: English