

Ask @celestialswansong

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Forgetting something is normal, you know. Having problems is also normal, it's human nature. It seems as if you are trying to advertise yourself as this perfect human being who has it all. And that's simply not realistic, lol. Not only does perfection not exist, but it's also a toxic concept.

I've not once said I'm perfect. Perfection doesn't exist. I just don't forget my passwords lol.

I know someone who made a fanpage account for themselves. Not saying who cause that ain't relevant, it's not the person, it's the idea of doing that. So the idea of doing that - on a scale from 1 to 10 how sad and pathetic is that?

Pretty sure I know who this is about. They are pathetic in general with their attitude.

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If you forgot your own password and you pay a hacker to hack your account, is it still illegal? Like you're not doing it to someone, you're doing to yourself.

I wouldn't forget it. So.

What's for dinner? Some suggestions? It's 6:30, currently, dinner will be at about 7/7:30. Not more than 500 calories.

I'm not your cook lol.

do you find most of the latest ask.fm updates pointless? i do tbh. they don't do anything better, on the contrary.


Oh, you're married. Oh well I was going to say 'what a loss' but nah. Go be someone else's burden.

Hardly a burden lol. But stay mad kiddo.

do you prefer jewel tones or earth tones? (so, do you like cool toned colours more or warm, earthy colours more)


Have you had to be in true quarantine, like due to you or someone in your family catching covid? What did you do to make the time spent inside more bearable? If not, what would you do if you did have to lock yourself in? 🤒🏡

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes. I had Covid at the end of my pregnancy. I had to relax and rest as best as I could.

What is the best ever I can't come into work today excuse you've ever heard

No excuse to get out of work is good.
Liked by: ev


Language: English