

Ask @celestialswansong

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How do you know that your son doesn't misbehave at school? He might be sneaky? 😈😏

I know my child better than you.

Would you go inside a gunge tank if you got voted for charity? Which friend would you pick to go in with you?

My Sister lol. To be honest that would be worth it for charity lol.

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How can I find out some info about this person, if they don't wanna say age and where they're from? I\m very curious by nature, can't help it. and the more mysterious they are, the more intrigued I get xd

You're not entitled to information about anyone. If they don't want to say, then they probably have a reason. Trying to find out, basically forcing the matter is highly disrespectful and to be honest, makes you a bit of a pr*ck.

Sometimes I wake up very early between 2 and 5 am and can't go back to sleep so I just stay up until the night comes. Does that happen to you?

Pretty much.

In your opinion, were people more sociable before? Compared to, let's say, 15 years ago. To me, it feels like people were more lively and talkative back then, people would gather and talk, now they gather on social media. Not taking covid into consideration, this been happening b4 covid too.

I've only seen a change due to Covid.

Did you spank your son after his school rang up to say he'd been naughty in class, Yolanda?

1. I don't strike my children.
2. My son doesn't misbehave at school.
3. That's not my name.

So I follow a man on tiktok who has schizophrenia, he uses TikTok videos, pictures etc to see if he is hallucinating. Well here lately there has been a lot of people making things up to scare him (ie. Omg what's that behind you) Why do you think these people act this way?

reachel_n’s Profile PhotoReachel♥️
They just think it's funny without thinking of the repercussions. Same with the people egging on that guy with his "Karen" neighbour. He then proceeded to kill the Husband of those neighbours.

Space 🌌

Imagine being so desperate for attention and validation, that you spam people who continuously block you and have told you to stop contacting them. Jfc pathetic.
Funny how the Ask, Twitter and Tellonym are all the same IP.
Liked by: leigh; ✨️ Tobbe


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