

Ask @celestialswansong

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Well maybe stop reporting and just block so maybe they don't have to make new acc all the time ? If you report they lose acc so ofc they add you but just blocking and they use the acc that still exist that you blocked them on! Be smarter Report = lost acc = new acc = add you. Non report = blocked

I initially only blocked. Yet they kept harassing a bunch of us. And like Kittie said, he made up a bunch of bs about us just because we blocked him. So I started reporting. Maybe gets your facts straight first. Stfu. Next thing gets you blocked. Jfc.

Not to mention, even though told to leave us alone, as well as told we weren't comfortable with it, he then started sending shout outs with false accusations about a group of us :/ so we have every right to report him. That isn't mean. Harassing us is though.

Well f*cking said!

If you saw a 11 year child drink alcohol would you pour it out? You can block him but repport is just being mean

When you tell someone to leave you alone and block them, but they then proceed to make multiple accounts to contact you, that warrants getting reported. Stop.

Are you his mom, why do you care what other children do?

Again, I do NOT feel comfortable having an 11 year old on my page. End of. Jfc.

You are so mean to children 😢 Be more nice to all children + not repport From Andy

Telling an 11 year old to stay off my page because I'm not comfortable with someone who isn't old enough to even use the site, is not mean. End of.


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