

Ask @celestialswansong

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Dad try to catch moose in garage but it jump on dad and he start scream i just laugh 😂 Do you afraid of mouse?

Never seen one.

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When did you learn about the importancy of privacy on the internet? I realise that as a kid, I didn't really take it seriously, I would expose things about myself such as address, full name etc. Now as an adult I realise I should've had supervised e-access, but thats a whole 'nother topic lol

I've never put private details online.

What is easier to handle for you, not eating or not sleeping? I personally can do well without sleep, I'm used to functioning on little sleep/no sleep, but I can't without food.


In my country, you must pay 10% of the value of the home to get the rest in a loan. If parents can only afford to help a one child of two with that effort. Should they help?

Not my place to say. Can I get more relatable questions? Thanks.

Is it OK to send a letter to someone tomorrow, on Sunday, 1/2 or should I wait until monday, january 3rd?

You do you.

If someone keeps posting a link, could it be considered spam? They answer all their questions with that certain link.

If it's on their own page, probably not.

will you make video answers again? even if you don't reveal yourself, at least voice responses? i wanna know what you sound like tbh :-))

No. I'm done with doing those lol.


Language: English