

Ask @celestialswansong

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When you have repeatedly lied, can you be offended when people can't believe any word that you say?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
If anyone does, they deserve to not be believed. What goes around comes around.

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May I pet you like a cat?

No. Tf? I'm going to block all you creeps and trolls. Who sits there all day and just constantly harasses women? Pathetic.

Is not having any photos of you on your profile the same as catfishing? sinse it is hiding your identity? 🤔


If someone gave you a lump of coal as a present, what would you do with it?

I doubt anyone would lol. But probably store it somewhere.

Why do some people message you on Christmas or NYE, when they haven't spoken to you all year? Do you not find it annoying? It's not really necessary to wish anyone anything if you haven't been present in ther life throughout the year. People have no shame or morals nowadays, I swear.Fakes everywhere

Stop complaining. Jfc.
Liked by: DovahMonah


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