

Ask @celestialswansong

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My dad is set in his ways, he thinks his way is always right no matter what the situation is. Do you know anyone like that?

No lol.

I've been living on my own for 1 year now and I still dk how to be an adult. I miss being at home w my parents, my mom was the one who always took care of the house, always cooked, always went shopping, etc. Fortunately she still visits a couple times a week to clean and cook. Any tips? I'm 22 M

Your parents aren't your house keepers or slaves. Time to grow up and stop being bone idle.

What other socials do you have? Use this to promote what you want!

This, Instagram, Tellonym, Friendproject and Spacehey.

Opinions? If you block someone and they keep making accounts to contact you, is that classed as harassment to you personally?



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