

Ask @celestialswansong

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Boy, age 10 years old, diagnosis autism. He need help getting dressed/undressed, personal hygiene, diaper changes and support during meals (communicated with the help of single words and supplemented with gestures.

This isn't a question.

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What are you doing in your life for last 2 years . Was not life easy Pre-covid ?

Same thing I did before Covid. Working and caring for my family.

😭😭💔💔 What is harassment mean? Do you think i am doing anything bad? I am not yes bye Trin bully

1. Im not a bully.
2. I shouldn't have to tell you to stay off my page multiple times.

I've lost count how many times I've had to block that "Teddy".. how has he not been taught that harassment is wrong? -_- not to mention we've all told him to stop contacting us multiple times -_- personally not comfortable having an 11 year old talk to me :/

EXACTLY! None of us should have to tell someone to stay off our page more than once. It is literally harassment at this point.

Trin 😭😭 Stupid Mrs. Highway hurt Teddy feelings she is most evil women 😢💔

Get the f*ck off my page! Jfc. Children are NOT welcome on my page. You're NOT old enough to be on here. End of story. Reported for harassment.

do you wear foundation that is darker than ur skintone? in the profile pic your face and neck seem to be of different colours.

No lol.

Do you think it's ridiculous how women who aren't conventionally attractive, who are fat etc. complain about men s*xualising them? When they obviously don't? because men do that to conventionally attractive women, not ones that are seen as unattractive lookswise.

1. It DOES happen to all women.
2. Just because you don't find someone attractive doesn't mean they aren't.
3. Talk about toxic.

yeah that's how it used to be when i was in school... many many years ago. poor kids. waking up before 8 is a total nightmare. so you wake up too huh?

Obviously lol.

Is it in the morning? some kids start as early as 7-8, whilst others start at noon

Primary school starts just before 9am.


Language: English