

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Hi, tell me something about your family history, where are they from? Who's the oldest ancestor you can still trace about?

Both my mom and dad are the descendant of Wali Songo.
My dad's family have reserved burial space in Makam Pangeran Pasarean, Cirebon, because my dad's family is the descendant of Pangeran Pasarean, which is a son from Sunan Gunung Jati's another wife, Nyimas Tepa Sari. (So basically I can be buried there too if I want to).
Also, Sunan Gunung Jati is a grandchild of Sri Baduga Maharaja a.k.a Prabu Siliwangi, the one who lead Sunda Galuh kingdom in 1482-1521. Some of dad's cousins claimed Raden/Raden Roro title on their name, but my dad doesn't want to because he thinks it's too exclusive and prideful.
I don't really know much about my ancestor from my mother's side but I remember she once said that Sunan Kalijaga is our ancestor.
My ancestors are mostly great religious figures and I wonder why I couldn't follow their legacy.

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Kinaaan, kalo baju aku misalnya warna hitam terus kayak ada silver-silvernya gitu, lipstick aku bagusnya warna apa, yah?

Since your question is way too general all I can say is if your clothes draw a lot of attention, go for softer colors. If it's not, it's ok to wear bold colors.

Hallo kak Kinan! Dulu zaman kuliah, acara terbesar di fakultas ka kinan apa ya? Dan apakah ka kinan terlibat dalam kepanitiaan acara tersebut? Boleh diceritakan ga? Ehe terimakasiiii

Well it was the great Pasar Seni 2014 and I listed myself in human resource department at first but then @sarahsoeprapto asked me to join social media team and hey I answered some of @pasarseni2014 questions back then.
Liked by: -12 Kiki Nurmallah

kak share pertama kali ajak jalan gebetan/pacar. share pertama kali ngomong apa aja waktu ajak doi jalan

I remembered we talked about Ayu Utami's book.
He noticed I was reading one of her book the other day and asked if I could lend him some of her book I have.
That moment I knew we're kinda compatible.


Language: English