Ask @lia64

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(Scenario) You ate the last piece of cake and decided to lie about it. You were confronted by a person that trusts you and a stranger. Who is it easier to lie to? xoxo

merna2810’s Profile PhotoAnrem.
Lol i think the stranger . Cuz i usually love to eat my friend's food its kinda a traditional thing to me xD just my close ones beside if you wr asking in real life i would never let down the trust of someone who already trust me . Even if i was so hungry xD
just skip every thing i wrote its totally the stranger or maybe i would be just quiet all about it
who ate the cake ? Me " huuh " kinda like that xD

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Are you able to ignore and/or delete questions that are: harassing, trolling, goading, argumentative, creepy/overly sexual, or otherwise pointless? If so, why do you think so many people on here can't help but answer them. If not, what about these kinds of "questions" compels you to answer them?

The Bufferkiller
I do i delete a lot i find them hmmm non appropriate or shouldnt be answered , and theres things in life that you shouldnt reveal thats my opinion , but some people like to answer them its their choice

Why when there's argument between younger (let's say 18) and older person (let's say 22) the younger one tend to put the blame on the older one? Saying immature & negative remarks etc. don't the 22 allowed to stand up for own rights? but to keep on remain quiet? How? What would u do??

Will it all depends of who started the whole thing , maybe cuz the 22 didnt understand the 18 or what she is tryin to say or maybe the contrary or maybe cuz the 18 is relying on the 22 and she thinks the 22 is bigger know everything so she tries to proof her self she know too , theres many reasons

Imagine you're driving. The weather that day was raining heavily. Suddenly you saw a twister (tornado), would you go a little closer to look at it or drive away? Why?

I would take selfies xD by the time i'd think go in the tornado or not i think the tornado will decide xD

كل عام وعيدك اجمل وكل عام وانتم بخير ✋

شكراا انت بخيير وصحه وسلامه ^^
Liked by: NooR

What do you love most about moving into a new home, and what to you hate most about moving into a new home?

The Bufferkiller
First what i hate is that i was used to my old house so kinda i feel like the new one isnt mine xD
But what i love is a lot my whole personality change , changing routine , new thing u know when a new thing happen in ur life it always feels good i guess :D

Many people say: "I don't care if he/she isn't good looking, I only care for their personality." In your opinion, do looks really not matter or make a difference? try to answer this honestly.

To be honest i care of course
Cuz u see for example forget about the face and figure for example the clothe to me do a huge change in my opinion if a person is well dressed despite from where his clothe is i meant clean and tidy then it do make changes to me actually more than the face , for me , first thing i notice in a person is his clothe then the personality more than face xD

Q.6: If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? let's see whether you have got sarcasm or sensibility :D

shit_just_got_real’s Profile PhotoSwapnesh
Gonna tell u y xD cuz if we did sth fun time will be shorter xD and we will die fast but if we did sth we dont like time will be longer and we'll feel every single sec and thank god about its done xD jk i have no idea


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