Ask @lia64

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ميشيل !
جَهَلَت عيونُ الناسِ ما في داخلي
فوجدتُ ربّي بالفؤادِ بصيرا
يا أيّها الحزنُ المسافرُ في دمي
دعني , فقلبي لن يكون أسيرا
ربّي معي , فمَنْ الذي أخشى إذا
مادام ربّي يُحسِنُ التدبيرا
وهو الذي قد قال في قرآنه
وكفى بربّك هاديًا ونصيرا❤️❤️

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

Idn its hard for me to full in love with a person that easy cuz i like to test them study them and stuff but if babies and artistic stuff , outfits i might i might full in love easily , out hmm i guess the same not easy to people or things but sometimes i have this i dont care feeling that even ppl that i used to love i can forget them easily :D

Do you love yourself? Do you think that a person has to learn to love themselves first before they can love others? Why / why not?

I love my self but im equal in love i guess with the people that i love , if i loved sth i'd like my sister for example to have it but you gotta larn to control it in both loving your self and
Loving the other :D

لو سمحتي شو معنى " انقلاب سيارة وﻻ اصابات سوى اصابة طفيفة " شكراً

بالعربي ولا بالانجليزي لان بالعربي مو مفهموم xD

يقول أحدهم كنت أروي لعائلتي موقفاً محرجاً فقلت انسكبت علي القهوة قبل أن اخرج لتقديم الحفل فقالوا جميعاً ماذا فعلت ؟ إلا امي قالت هل تأذيت ...!! ( جنتي انتي ) - - --̶ - -- --̶ --- - - :))) مســــــــــــــــآآآآء ينبــــــــعث برقـــة وسعـــآآدة فـــي حيـــآآآتك ♥

الله يخليلنا امهاتنا و يحفظلنا ياهم ;)

To you : What is the meaning of understanding?

It is to understand your world get into it
Like if im sad he know when im sad or not , know what will i say and react to this situation , know the stuff that will hurt you , understand have a really big definition to me its to understand my world my reaction cuz nobody understand my actions nor my words ;)

How do you take moral knowledge and put it into practice?

One of my ways of studying is to take notes and key words i bring yellow posters and start to write the basic informations on my wall before i sleep i take a subject one of the posters above my head and start to discuss it with my self and how and why and apply it to my real life and thats it the process goes on xD also taking this part of knowledge makin researches about if it was physics try to apply it in real life and alway have a note book around you so you register any thing happen :D thats my ways i hate the way of going over and over and over method xP

What do you ink your husband character will be or what you hope he'll be or how guys grab your attention in general ??

Ink xD well hmmm with personality i like guys who are gentle not acting they are and whi know how to talk to a girl not a player i meant like listener or compliments bit in a respect way idn theres a book for that xD for example kathem al saher he really know how to deal with girls and i like his attitude also who can understand me understand my weirdness that give love and care , honest i also like him to not be that sort of a guy who always look at girls i also love the guy who know his islam completely ❤️ Hmm grab my attention clothe hmm teeth i really love mustaches xD thick eyebrows for men like dave franco or paul walker ❤️❤️ Or marianp for sure and i like deep eyes sharp one xD yup only that

done any new work ?

I was drawing my aunt in weird way that in my mind it was awesome but when i applied it in reality it was horrible :( so o was so sad that it didnt work it was her Bd and i wanted to gift her that as a gift so anyway to make up for my self to cheer my self i sketched this with pen and it really cheered my up :D


Language: English