Ask @lia64

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For the girl who asked me im so sorry i was deleting some questions and i deleted yours by mistake :C but any way thaank you allot means the world to me and i mixed some black and pale blue more like grey blue and white and off white xD and here is the steps so it doesnt mean that ur first sketch must be so good at the first time , shading really show the realism of the sketch :D i hope i helped you enough and enjoy ❤️❤️❤️

Would it be a benefit to us if we (humans) had no emotions? I feel that being emotionless, can be helpful and comforting at times. What do you think and Why?

It can be helpful allot ask me about it v.v but life is nothing without emotions :( if you achieve sth and like all ur dreams came true and you just feel okay not feeling enthusiastic about the thing you work hard for or if you get married but you dont feel the love in ir heart for your spouse whats the point then idn

is it bad to walk out of someone's life?

It is sooo bad like why get to know them and get use to them and call them friends or what ever and then walk away like they were nothing like they doesnt even exist :/ why get them to know you if you will walk away if you were just playing or seizing them or whatever i hate those people allot and they should rotttttttt in hell v.v

What kind of foods do you take could help memorize things like school stuffs when you have exams/common test?

Oh you just came to the right person :D
1-lets start with olive oil and thyme
2- Saffron i guess they call it
3- dont drink any coffee or caffeine avoid them
4-the head of the zucchini oh yh believe me that sounds like poet xD but cut the hairy stuff first and eat the inner
5- nuts and walnuts lots and lots of it
6- eggs
7- sesame but you gotta eat 7 the black one i dont know what they call it
Well theres allot my mom do care about this thing but she is far away from me xD any way those stuff i remember my mom doing for me and that really gives a result trust me :D

Soooo I've been reading about psychopaths lately and everyone seems to describe them as disgusting and awful monsters who want to eat our hearts and shit.. But my question is do you think they can be good? Can they fall in love?? Like they have a mental disorder, it's not entirely their fault!!

Echo and Narcissus
wait like idn if this is related to the question but some of those psychopaths society made them that way and they turn out monsters so they would rule this lame society the Q is does that make the society that led the psychopaths to be that way would they be psychopaths xD ?! And for the rest i guess yh didnt you hear about the story of the beauty and the beast xD beside i read a book about it too and they said as well that before they turn that way they must have sth they love and some memories make them feel happy , the thing is they started the cure of pulling back those hidden emotions and memories ❤️❤️ but i still blame society for some of the cases v.v what do you think chris ?! :p

شخص تغير عليك بسبب كلام بعض الناس عنك.. لو رجع لك واعتذرلك، كيف بتكون ردت فعلك ؟ *تفلسفوا*

احم احو ههههه اولا هاذا الشخص الكريم بعد العشرة طلع ما بيعرف مين انا عنجد سو بظن حتى بالايام المقبله حيخوني ويتركني باسهل واصعب المواقف
اكيد بسامح بس ما رح اثق فيه رح اخدها صداقه كازملاء بس بس اذا كان هاد الشخص عزيز علي بحاول مع انو حيكون كتير صعب بس اكيد رح حاول اعطيه فرصه تانيه لانو الناس العزيزة علي كتير قليله وما بدي اخسرهم طبعا

If you could hold on to just one memory from your life forever, what would that be?

Oh that would be unfair to the rest of my happy moments but i'll chose when i was kj i used to go out with kareem and amjad wr my favorite friends we used to do adventures in school and even out idn why i chose that but whenever i remember it i laugh about the dreams we built xP lovely ❤️❤️

Talk about the little things make you happy ?

Well actually al hamdu lelah im a happy person everything makes my day i just started a book and my coffee those daily things makes my day and idn if this thing bring happiness to you but today when i saw it i was smiling spontaneously xD like a maniac xp and drawing not just make me happy it takes my to wonderland to happy land and seeing wonderful comments on my drawings and ppl that courage me to keep on this wonderful likes comments followers questions and requests make me smile and make my whole day ❤️❤️ Al hamdu lelah ❤️❤️

You are sooo kind posting other painting in your insta You are wonderful , you got the pride and you are well mannered I dont need picture to see you or even hear you voice Your manners describe your beauty and im in love with you ❤️

Thank you soo much i had lately bad news and you just made my day i appreciate every word you said im reposting other artists cuz i reached my goal 1k and theres many artists deserve that too more than me and everybody deserve a chance its not that big thing ❤️❤️ and im really happy that you see the inner beauty not the outside one which mean you have beautiful soul may god bless you ❤️ im speechless xP thank you again so much ❤️❤️

Why you are not answering me :<(((((

Im so sorry this is the first time i have this huge amount of questions im reaching kindof everyday more than 20 questions im so shocked actually and happy xD im so sorry im trying to answer the most important or the q i have the answer for it xp i hope ur not the one who is asking me the questions about the bra size :/ or the others -__-


Language: English